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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Newsletter Archives - 2012
On-line Newsletter Editor: Eric Fergusson

In Memoriam    Odds & Ends    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024



Victoria New Years Day Populaire by Mike Croy (January)
ACP Partnership Agreement, Etc. [EF]
New Permanent - Edgemont Views (#95) Report by Tracy Barill (February)
January Permanent - #76 Hot Springs Pancake by Ali Holt
Shoe Covers - A Quick Evaluation by Luis Bernhardt
"Look what came in the mail..." 2011 PBP Packages Arrive by Jim Runkel
Victoria Populaire Publicity Poster design by Jay Haworth
2012 BC Randonneur Publicity Brochure Bob Goodison & Ryan Kurz
On the Wiggly Wormfrom Ken Bonner
A Chili Invitation from Mike Croy
Florida 300 km by Ali Holt
Sh*t Randonneurs Say by Cheryl Lynch & friends
Chili Pre-ride by Mike Croy
They Also Ski by Manfred Kuchenmuller (March)
Mike's Chili 200 Report by Brynne and Mike Croy
Jim's Chili 200 Report by Jim Runkel
Lorraine's Chili 200 Report: Sunday's Ha-ha's and Hallelujahs; Tomorrow's Hopefuls by Lorraine Nygaard
Tour de Cowichan Valley ~ Revisited - Upcoming Vancouver Island 200 by Martin Williams
A Chili Thank You by Mikael Jansson
John's Chili 200 Report by John McGillivray
Excerpt from "It's All About the Bike" from Jim Runkel
February Flatlander - Permanent #18 by Michel Richard
Getting the Cobwebs Blown Out - Permanent #82 by Doug Fox
2012 Spring Social by Eric Fergusson
PacPop Interview with Danelle on CCN website
Sasquatch Stomper by Michel Richard
The Bellingham 200 by Gary Baker
New Wool Jersey by Chris Cullum
VicPop Preride Report and Info by Dave Macmurchie
Sasquatch Stomper Video on YouTube by Jacob Murray
Sandwiches and Family by Kevin Bruce
Early Season Torture - Permanent #60 by Doug Fox
1991 Club Newsletters On Line scans by Cheryl Lynch
Jim and Joel's Victoria Populaire by Jim Runkel
Victoria Popualire - 70k! by Vik Banerjee
Danelle on CBC's Early Edition EF
Tour of the Cowichan Valley - Two Reports by Vik Banerjee & John McGillivray (April)
Interior Brevets: "Tour De Milles 200" Preride Report & Ride Info by Bob Goodison
The Bike's Okay! by Ben Coli
Tour de Cowichan Valley ~ RevisiedOrganizer's Report by Martin Williams
PacPop Articles is Vancouver Courier by Kay Cahill & Kristina Bangma
Permanent #41 Report by Kristy Lee Mighton
Photo: Pumped for PBP found by Ryan Golbeck
Tour DeMilles 200 Report by Bob Goodison
The Hills Are Alive - 2 Reports & a Vid Vik Banerjee, John McGillivary, Steve Mahovlic
Will's Vancouver Island 300 by Will Danicek
Crouching Rat 300 Route Information by Chris Cullum
Coastal Inspiration - Permanent #97 by Graham Fishlock
Peace 2012 Signs of Spring 200 km by Wim Kok
Squeezing One In - Permanent #30 by Eric Fergusson
Crouching Rat 300 Organizer's Report by Chris Cullum
Crouching Rat 300K... by Vik Banerjee
Paradise Lost... and Found Flèche Report by Jim Runkel (May)
Island Flèche 1996 - The 1st by Stephen Hinde
Grouse Mtn via Old Mountain Hwy by Chris Cullum
H2H 400 km - Union Bay Control - Island 400 km by John McGillivray
The Hills Are Alive In The Interior Too - Interior 300 km by Bob Goodison
Le Petit Tour de Peace - Peace Region 300 km by Christine Kraayvanger
Shorter Southern Rambles Organizer's Report - Interior 300 km by Doug Fox
D'Arcy 400 Pre-ride and Route Info by Nigel Press
Home Early from the Lowlands 1000 by Rick den Braber
Four First-time 400 Finishers on D'Arcy by Eric Fergusson
Interior 400k Brevet by Richard Blair
Renfrew Ramble Organizer's Report by Lorraine Nygaard
The Denman RandonneurS ~ Nanaimo Populaire by John McGillivray (June)
LM 600 Princeton Organizer's Report by Colin Fingler
Ultimate Island Explorer 2000 Reunion by Eric Fergusson
Tour of the Nanaimo and Cowichan Valleys 200 - Info/promo by Stephen Hinde
Nanaimo Populaire Organizer's Report by Lee Ringham
Seattle / Olympic Peninsula 600 EF
Northern Waters 200 by Bob Koen
High Winds on the Williams Lake 600 by Richard Blair
Gold River 1000 (Unofficial) Report - Tough Randonneurs by Ken Bonner
Coastal Inspiration - Cowichan Lake Days by Graham Fishlock
Randonneuring in Korea - Korea 1200K Grand Randonnée by Gary Baker
Southern Interior Make Up Rides Info by Bob Goodison
Rambling Randonneur Award - Feedback Requested by Dug Andrusiek
19 BC Randonneurs at the Cascade 1200 by EF
Ken Bonner (at the Cascade 1200) by Dewain Emrich
How I Went From Zero to 1200 in Under Three Months by John Oswald
My Canada Day 145 by Ron Stewart (July)
My Brian Walton Permanent by Eric Fergusson
Cascade 1200 - Day 1 by John Oswald
Interior Make-up Brevets Report by Bob Goodison
Cascade 1200 - Day 2: ShimErgo, Hanford and Just Who the Heck is Charlie Miller?!? by John Oswald
Vancouver Safari 200 Oranizer's Report by Dug Andrusiek
Southern Coast 400 - Veggie Tales by Jim Runkel
Colorado High Country 1200 Report by Bob Koen (August)
Supporting Ken Bonner on the Rocky Mountain 1200 by Dewain Emrich
Rocky Mt 1200 Photos on the Web Site - Stephen's Notes by Stephen Hinde
Cascade 1200 - Day 3: "Mine's a Puppy Chow": A Lesson from the Big Dogs by John Oswald
Rocky Mt. 1200 Results with Photo Links by Eric Fergusson
Ripple Rock Ramble Pre-ride Report by Jim Runkel
Rocky Mountain 1200 DNF by Rod Dalitz (September)
Ripple Rock Ramble Report by Jim Runkel
A Rough Diamond : A Summer Brevet in Britain by Wim Kok
The Union Des Audax Francais: An Abridged History by Ken Dobb
Fall IsleLander 200 Organizer's Pre-ride Report by Lorraine Nygaard
Routes & Checkpoints - Instructions and Advice from ACP from Stephen Hinde
Vancouver Island Riders' Survey assembled by Mikael Jansson
Peace Fall Equinox Brevet (200 km) by Wim Kok
Four Fall IsleLander Reports by Lorraine, Mike, Jim & Mikael
My First Brevet by Mark Shepard
Annual General Meeting Ride and Brunch EF (October)
Sorrento 300 km Summer Brevet by Wim Kok
Last Fall Push by Kristy Lee Mighton
Vancouver Island Fall Social by Mike Croy
Alberta's Highwood Classic 300 km by Wim Kok
Ultra's Update: Barry's 3 Fall 1000s by Eric Fergusson
October Permanent: Sun, Rain, Fall Colours & Kelp Storm by Graham Fishlock
Water, Water Everywhere... Permanent #75 by Cheryl Lynch
Mt. Baker 400 by Gary Sparks
Defining the Allowable Support Zone Around a Control by Stephen Hinde
BIG SUR 1000..... But for that cup of tea! by Gary Baker
Shake down ride of Permanent #98 by Fred Rockwell
11th Hour 200 Remembrance Day Ride Organizer's Report by Tracy Barill (November)
Randonneur Rite of Passage by Fred Rockwell
Birthday Binge: Ken Bonner's 8 Permanents... Thing by Eric Fergusson
A California Triple Crown on Fixed Gear by Luis Bernhardt
Coastal Inspriation by Eric Guillemot (December)
LEJOG chronicals by Keith Nichol
2012 Season Review by Eric Fergusson