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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Newsletter Archives - 2002
(HTML Pages)
Editor Susan Allen
(On-line Newsletter: Susan Allen)

In Memoriam    Odds & Ends    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024



Madam Prez Sez by Ian Stephen (2002 Newsletter - Issue 1)
Clothing for Sale by Danelle Laidlaw
Volunteers Needed by Susan Allen
Pin Design Request by Karen Smith
The John Hathaway Bequest by Roger Street
How To Make 100 km Seem to be a Long Way by Harold Bridge
'arold's Cariboo-Boo by Harold Bridge
Island 1000 by Danelle Laidlaw
Record Breaking by Harold Bridge
100 Mile Challenge - aka - the Harrison Ford 200 by Danelle Laidlaw
London-Edinburgh-London: A Ride to be Remembered by Danelle Laidlaw
Past Madame Prez says by Danelle Laidlaw
A letter from Loudéac by Jean Perret
The Pres Room by Ian Stephen (2002 Newsletter - Issue 2)
Pin Policy by Karen Smith
les Randonneurs Mondiaux Presidents Newsletter #6 by Réal Préfontaine
SIR 2002 Flèche Northwest by Peter McKay
Urgent by Danelle Laidlaw
Clothing for Sale by Danelle Laidlaw
BCCC News by Ian Stephen
PBP 2003 Canada Jersey Design by Susan Allen
Cycling BC, what's in it for me? by Ian Stephen
The Slow Human Race by Tom Hocking
Tools for the Job by Harold Bridge
Rando Ride & Social: Photos by Susan Allen & Doug Latornell
New Flèche Rule by Larry Wasik
Confessions of a DNF Virgin by Eric Fergusson
"Winter" Peace Populaire by Wim Kok
Returns by Harold Bridge
Raising the Bar: Part 1 by Roger Street
Raising the Bar: Part 2 by Eric Fergusson
Raising the Bar: Part 3 by Frances Caton
200 Km Randonnee --- 2002-April-20 by Harold Bridge
A Unique Way of Raising the Bar by Roger Street
Shoe Story by Harold Bridge
Spring Social 2002 by Ian Stephen
Naniamo Populaire by Stephen Hinde
A Safety Tip from 3M by Ian Stephen
Rando-ready Bike for Sale by Simon Goland
Shoe Sale by Harold Bridge
Visibility by Alison Upfold
Cateye HL-EL100 by Harold Bridge
BC Randonneurs Electronic Mailing List by Mike Poplawsky (2002 Newsletter - Issue 3)
If you don't need some clothing- then you haven't been riding enough! by Danelle Laidlaw
Educating Fergus by Eric Fergusson
The Route of the Assassins by Harold Bridge
Top Ten Reasons I Returned to Randonneur Cycling by Gary Fraser
The Reason I Still Use Toe Clips by Harold Bridge
The Twist In The Tail: Lower (and Upper) Mainland 300 by Harold Bridge
Life Lessons from Cycling by Simon Goland
Island 400 (Naniamo-Tofino) by Stephen Hinde
Island 400 (Victoria-Union Bay) Notebook by Mike Poplawski
Tyre Sale by Harold Bridge
Rice Energy Bar Recipe by Simon Goland
Pres Sez by Ian Stephen (2002 Newsletter - Issue 4)
Database Notes by Cheryl Lynch
Winding up 2002 by Harold Bridge
My First 600 km by Susan Barr
Volunteers Pshaw! by Roger Street
Happy 135th Canada! by Harold Bridge
Cariboo Loop 1000 by John Bates
Island 1000 by Ken Carter
Switchback 1000 by Eric Fergusson
Happy Birthday Canadaby Ian Stephen
Clever But Stupid by Harold Bridge
Tour of Greater Victoria by Mike Poplawski
Thoughts and Feedback on the Rocky Mountain 1200 by Harold Bridge
Lower Mainland Summer 400 by Harold Bridge
One More "Sr" - The Last! by Harold Bridge
Challenge Cycling - A History by Harold Bridge
An experiment by Harold Bridge (2002 Newsletter - Issue 5)
Editorial by Susan Allen
Pin Designs Requested by Susan Allen
Organizers Needed by Susan Allen
Personal Best at 75? You've Gotta be Kiddin'! by Harold Bridge
Wishing Tom Hocking a Speedy Recovery by Susan Allen (edited from e mails by Tom)
Galloping Goose Offroad Populaire by Mike Poplawski
Annual General Meeting - 2002 by Harold Bridge
12594~194032: 2002 Season in Review by Eric Fergusson


The Material on these pages is taken from Editor Susan Allen's BC Randonneur newsletter pages 2000-2003
(Still on-line. Wait, no... gone in 2023)