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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Newsletter Archives - 2016
On-line Newsletter Editor: Eric Fergusson

In Memoriam    Odds & Ends    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024



Gary's Hail Mary December Permanent by Gary Baker (January)
Mike's January On the Border Permanent by Mike Hagen
Gary & Will Cross-training by Editor
Invitation to Island Randonneurs Spring Social in Victoria by Holland Gidney (February)
Cherry Blossoms and Returning to Randonneuring by Jaime Guzman (March)
Victoria Populaire Pre-ride (Route Tips) by Steve & Melissa
2016 VicPop Poster submitted by Mike Croy
2016 Victoria Populaire Organizer's Report by Steve Mahovlic (April)
A Winning Sunday - 2016 Pacific Populaire, etc. by Richard Lee
Manfred Hits 100,000 km (Editor)
Tour DeMilles 200 by Bob Goodison
An “Early Summer” Ride and Trying a New Bike by Jaime Guzman (May)
Flèche of the Young and Handsomes by Étienne Hossack
Interior 300 by Bob Goodison
Solo Flight and the Zen of Randonneuring by Jaime Guzman
The Ups and Down of the Spring 400 by Will Danicek
Our Great Northern Adventure by Gary Baker
Mabel Lake 400 by Bob Goodison
Beautiful Rain Forest and Riding Long with an Old Friend by Jaime Guzman
Silver Triangle 215 Permanent #141 by Michael MacIntosh (June)
Marysville 600 by Cheryl Lynch
My Vancouver 200 - A Trip Down Memory Lane by Gray Baker
Cowichan Century Populaire by Dave Macmurchie
Valmount 600 Report by Bob Goodison
Dan McGuire Featured on CBC's Vinyl Cafe Story by Stewart McLean based on an account by Tara McGuire
An Even Longer Cascade “1200” and Still Spinning My Wheels by Jaime Guzman
Salt Spring Surprise 300 - An Invitation by Holland Gidney
Two Dam Far - A Ride in Three Parts (LM Spring 1000) by Mike Hagen
Southern Rambles 1000 by Bob Goodison (July)
Rocky Mountain 1200 Pre-ride by John Oswald
Hard Won, (out-of-shape, RM 1200 first-time, tandem-captain) Biased Advice (Rocky Pre-Ride, Continued) by John Oswald
Randonneurs ready to hit long road Monday from News Kamloops
Rocky Mountain 1200 by Étienne Hossack (August)
Rocky Mountain 1200 - Not a Ride Report by Bob Goodison
Northern Nova Scotia 1000 by Luis Bernhardt
Heart of the Kootenays Super 600 by Bob Goodison
Mabel in the Middle 200 by Bob Goodison (September)
Somewhat Familiar 200 by Lorraine Nygaard
Manfred Receives 100,000 km Award by Eric Fergusson (October)
2016 AGM - 2017 Executive Committee by Eric Fergusson
The Flagstaff 600 - Another Wonderful Adventure by Gary Baker
11th Hour Ride Report by Jaime Guzman (November)
Douglas Lake Loop Permanent Report by Bob Goodison
Great Southern Randonnée 1200 by Gary Baker (December)
2016 Year-end Stats by Eric Fergusson