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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Newsletter Archives - 2019
On-line Newsletter Editor: Eric Fergusson

In Memoriam    Odds & Ends    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024



Mike Barry Sr. Dies at 80 EF (January)
Cycling Paris-Brest-Paris 2015: Une Grand’ E-Motion! by E.W.(Wim) Kok
"All But Three" Permanent #188 200 km by Mark Payten
January Flat Valley P#90 by Gary Baker (February)
January Flatlander P#18 by Karen Smith
BC Randonneurs Ridership: some global stats from Cheryl Lynch
Remembering Michael McIntosh by Eric Fergusson
Permanents Stats 2018 by Eric Fergusson
"Begone With the Wind" P#90" by Gary Baker
February Vortex by Eric Fergusson
Palms to Bombay P#23 by Stephne Hinde (March)
February Flatlander P#18 by Karen Smith
Early Bird 200 by Cheryl Lynch
Westside 305 P#44 by Bob Goodison
Diot Croque Le Dernier Paris-Brest (PBP 1951) par Serge Laget
Early Bird 200... Saint Patrick's Day and a New Goal by Jaime Guzman
Glorious Flatlander P#18 by Karen Smith
A Minor Populaire Set-Back and 3 Weeks to Go by Jaime Guzman (April)
Gamblers 1000 by Bob Goodison
Our First Social Audax by Mark Payten
Logan Lake 200 by Bob Goodison
UCAN Ride4Kids by Jaime Guzman (May)
Oregon Coast 1000 by Bob Koen
Highway to Helmcken with Batman (400) - Report by Bob Goodison
Holy Helmcken Highway, Batman! Where did my lactic system go? by Mike Hagen
2019 Cowichan Populaire by Dave Macmurchie (June)
Princeton Loop 600 (Clockwise) by Bob Goodison
Lumpy 200 by Ron Stewart
Cape Disappointment 1000 by Mike Hagen
Disappointment: Abandoning the Cape Disapointment 1000 by Eric Fergusson
Hilly McHillface 1000 by Bob Goodison (July)
June Flatlander 203 by Karen Smith
Crazy Bit of Climbing by Jaime Guzman
Spences Bridge Permanent by Bob Goodison
A first (for me) BC12 finished by Stephen Hinde
P#80 to TdWR by Étienne Hossack
Mountain Lakes Adventure by Mike Hagen (August)
A Beautiful Summer Ride (Miss Golden Pitt - 2019) by Jaime Guzman
Last Training Ride (Permanent #51) by Bob Goodison
On a Raid photos from John & Malou
Permanent #18 Report by Michel Richard
Heart of the Kootenays SR600: A Beast of a Ride by Bob Koen
My Heart(s) of the Kootenays Super 600 Permanent(s) by Gary Baker
PBP 2019 by Bob Goodison (September)
PBP 2019 - My Story by Étienne Hossack
My First PBP: Best Laid Plans by Mike Hagen
Fall Islander 200 by Lorraine Nygaard
Journey of the Sorcerer - Squamish (Permanent #198) by Mike Hagen
Okanagan Ski Touring Super Randonnée 600 - Report by Bob Goodison
Okanagan Ski Touring Super Randonnée 600 - Notes & Recommendations by Bob Goodison
PBP 2019 Group Photos (BC, Canada, etc.) photos by Mireille Paré and Eric Fergusson (October)
Sea to Skies Super Ranonnée 600 by Étienne Hossack
Journey of the Sorcerer - Norrish (Permanent #199) by Mike Hagen
Chilliwack Flatlander (Permanent #18) by Gary Baker
Squaam Bay (Permanent #47) by Bob Goodison
Deirdre "9-time" Arscott in Sun & Province by EF
Annual General Meeting 2019 by Eric Fergusson
Journey of the Sorcerer (Chilliwack) (Permanent #201) by Mike Hagen
Journey of the Sorcerer (Chehalis) (Permanent #202) by Mike Hagen (November)
Tryin' (Permanent #203) by Mike Hagen
November Flatlander by Karen Smith
Out of Control (Permanent #165) by Mike Hagen
In to the Deep Freeze (Permanent 204) by Bob Goodison (December)
December Flatlander (Permanent 18) by Gary Baker
2019 Season Stats assembled by Eric Fergusson