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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Newsletter Archives - 2011
On-line Newsletter Editor: Eric Fergusson

In Memoriam    Odds & Ends    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024



Victoria New Years Day Populaire by Jim Runkel (January)
Chilly Permanent by Gary Baker
Shiro Visits Yutaka in Japan by Shiro Ogawa
Wartime Head Banging by Harold Bridge
Ken Bonner on Island Sports News by Jessica Woollard
Memorial 50, etc by Harold Bridge
New Bike ! by Jim Runkel
Advice for Newbies from a Newbie by Ben Coli
New Web Page for New Randonneurs from Susan Allen
January Sasquatch (Permanent 19 Report) by Guido Van Duyn
Happy Elephant (Permanent 74 Report) by Ryan Golbeck
Peninsula 202(Permanent 25 Report) by Jim Runkel
Taking Part by Harold Bridge
What have you done for your bicycle club lately? by Raymond Parker
The good, the bad, and the ugly by Bob Koen (February)
Request for Rocky Mt. 1200 Routes submitted by Ali Holt
Randonneurs Ontario's Frosty 200 submitted by Ken Bonner
2010 Permanents - Stats Summary by Bob Koen
A Few Historical Artifacts from Dan Mcguire by Eric Fergusson
Eau de Hell Week 2011 - Veni, Vidi, Vici by Martin Williams
Winter Training in the Peace Region by E.W. (Wim) Kok
Snowy NorSquatch by Gary Sparks
Texas Permanent: San Marcos Stretch by Michel Richard (et Karen Smith)
Measures to Combate Fatigue Suffered by Long Distance Transport Drivers: Lessons from Ultra Marathon Sport (1996) by Rod Evens
The Evolution of the Cycling Jersey by Luis Bernhardt (March)
Arivaca 210 Permanent ( ...Sun, sand, cacti, wind and the Homeland Security Border Patrol...) by Gary Baker
Hardly a Ramble II by Doug Fox
Spring has Sprung by Guido Van Duyn
How to organize a brevet: a guide for randonneur club volunteers by Raymond Parker
Vancouver Bike Show (March 19 & 20) - 2 for 1 coupon
Control Card Design Idea by Jim Runkel
CKAP & UMCA Year Rounder 2010 Update
Spring Social - Karen wins RSA by Eric Fergusson
Early Bird 200 by Tracy Barill
Desert Camp 2011 by Susan Barr
Classic Vancouver Island Route: The Hills are Alive by Raymond Parker
Early Bird 200: Sasquatch Stomper by Ben Coli
Hardly a Ramble - Permanent 60 Report by Doug Fox
Spring Islander 200 Preride Report by Jim Runkel
Randonnee Thoughts Richard Blair / Harold Bridge (April)
The Gold River 600: a pleasant bicycle ride on Vancouver Island by Raymond Parker
Fraser Valley Flatlander - Permanent #18 by Karen Smith
Victoria Spring 200 by Jim Runkel
Why Read a Cue Sheet ! by Martin Williams
BC Randonneurs Spring Islander 200K by Vik Banerjee
A River Runs Through It - Interior Spring 200 Preride Report by Bob Goodison
Wet, Wetter, and Wettest - Organizer's report for Coast2Coast 300 of EdH Week by Graham Fishlock
Thanks Volunteers - EdH 300 km by Ben Coli
Greetings from Australia from Bob Boonstra
2011 Eau de Hell Series Recognition Awards by Martin Williams
Cowichan Lake 200K by Vik Banerjee
Eau de Hell 600K by Vik Banerjee
Eau de Hell Week 600K Bikes by Vik Banerjee
DNFs by Gary Baker
The Week of Hell by Jim Runkel
Kudos For Martin by Ken Bonner & Lee Ringham
Kudos For Danelle by Ali Holt
A River Runs Through It - Interior 200 Report by Bob Goodison
Island 300 Organizer's Report by Lindsay Martin
The Flat and Lonely 300 by Jim Runkel
Peace Region Update by Wim Kok
Fast Women data from Cheryl Lynch
The Hills are Alive by Louis Bernhardt
NW Crank Super Randonneur Brevet Series by Ken Bonner (May)
Dam to Dam to Dam 300: Preride Report - Rider Information by Richard Blair
Hatzic Hills 300 Organizers Report by Deirdre Arscott
Riding the Moulton AM-7 on a Brevet, Circa 1980’s by Luis Bernhardt
Hatzic Hills 300K by Vik Banerjee
Highway to Hell 400: Pathfinding & Other Pointers from the Organizer by Jim Runkel
Two Susan's Oregon Coast 600k by Ken Bonner
Suffer: or how I tripled my lifetime brevet mileage in 5 weeks by Ben Coli
Dam to Dam to Dam 300: Organizer's Report by Richard Blair
Highway to Hell 400: Organizer's Report by Jim Runkel
Dam to Dam to Dam Revelstoke 300 km by Ali Holt
Henk's Flèche Ontario by Staff
Two Dam Far 1000 km Brevet by Bob Koen
Vancouver Island 1000, 1985 by Harold Bridge
Photo: A Crossroads from Roger Holt
Kamloops Princeton 400: Organizer's Report by Bob Boonstra (June)
2011 Tour de North Peace 600 km Brevet by Willi Fast
Bike Prep for Air Travel by Ken Bonner
Photo: Sophie Matter's New Bike Ken & Sophie
Mainland 1000: Exceptional Scenery, Some Hills by Keith Patterson
What are the Odds? by Eric Fergusson
Island 1000... Again by Jim Runkel
SIR's Olympic-St. Helens Summer 1000 by Ken Bonner
Nanaimo Populaire - Organizer's Report by Lee Ringham
Happy to Finish by Guido van Duyn (July)
Canada Day 144 Populaire by Ali Holt
Nanaimo Summer 200 by Stephen Hinde
Interior 1000 Report by Richard Blair
CanPop Article in Langely Paper by Matthew Claxton
Agenda for July Club Executive Meeting from Ali Holt
Interior Make-up Brevets by Bob Goodison
New Overpass and Tynehead Park from Alex Pope
BC Rando Jackets Everywhere from Dan McGuire
Somewhat Familiar 200 by Lorraine Nygaard
Renfrew Ramble & More 300 (+600) by Stephen Hinde
Backroads 400 by Jim Runkel
White Rock Hell Week Invitation by Bob Koen
Rainy Glacier 1000 by Ken Bonner
Permanent Control Card Submissions - Change of Procedure from Bob and Eric (August)
A long road to Paris-Brest-Paris by Raymond Parker
Erik and Jay Talk PBP on CBC by staff
PBPoops by Harold Bridge
PBP Route Sheets, Directions and Roundabouts by Jim Runkel and Ron Himschoot
Suburban Safari 200 by Paul Mathias
Memories of Paris-Brest-Paris 2007 by Raymond Parker
Paris Brest Paris 2011 by Ryan Golbeck (September)
Fall IsleLander 200 Report by Brynne Croy
Reflections On My First by Lorraine Nygaard
Keith Comes Back by Eric / Deirdre
Deirdre Hula by Eric Fergusson
PBP 2011 #1 OF ? by Jim Runkel
Top 10 List by Dug Andrusiek
Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 - The Ride by Luis Bernhardt
Misty Mountain Hop 200 Permanent #87 material from Jeff Schlingloff
PBP 2011 Histogram link to Don Bennett's graphic
Peninsula 200 Report by Jim Runkel
Annual General Meeting - New Club Executive by Eric Fergusson (October)
Message from Réal by Réal Préfontaine
The "No en-route support" Rule Explored by Stephen Hinde
IsleLander and Flatlander Rider Survey Results presented by Susan Allen
PBP Results by Country - A Summary from Ali Holt
Paris Brest Paris (2011) by Keith Nichol
Alex Pope Runs for Maple Ridge Municipal Council (editor)
Rumble Strips - Minister's Perspective from Tom Clements
2012 BC Randonneurs Events Schedule (editor)
Permanents Results Reporting (editor)
Ian Fillinger Wins 24 Hour World Time Trial Championships (editor) (November)
Training for the Rocky Mountain 1200 km by Steve Lonergan
Eleventh Hour 200k Ride Report by Tracy Barill
Lower Mainland Call for Volunteers by Gary Baker & Keith Nichol
PBP and Recumbents - 2011 Update by David Cambon
Photo: Chris Tree Bashed (editor)
Saga, Southbound Shyam Chandran's Journal
Thank You, Info Letter from Jim Runkel
Event Volunteers 2011 - Stats Summary from Ali Holt (December)
Happy Elephant: Permanent 74 by Chris Cullum
DNF @ km 3, or The Joys of Winter Cycling by Ben Coli
Lurker Rides by Kevin Bruce
Coli's Ice by Harold Bridge
Audax Lang Syne Pre-ride Report (Victoria New Years Day Populaire) by Mike Croy
Route Sheet Tips by Raymond Parker
2011 Season Review by Eric Fergusson