"Audax Lang Syne" Pre-ride
New Years Day Populaire - Victoria
by Mike Croy
Go to: New Pop Route / Info Page
Wind: not much
Temp: 6 C
Weather: overcast
Road Conditions: wet and dirty
Ride distance: 60 km
Date of ride: 26th December 2011
Time taken: 3h 45 min
Riders: Steven Croy, Michael Croy, Brynne Croy and Lorraine Nygaard
In order to verify that the brand new route is viable three intrepid riders and one drag brake set out test it today. Reeling from turkey dinners and residual holiday illness it was assured to be a low-key ride, perfect for the task at hand.
A better winter riding day could scarcely have been found (and indeed one had previously been vetoed for frost-related reasons). The forecast was favourable with winds and rain (supposedly) waiting until we were likely to be nestled into post-ride routines.
All on the ride today had positive comments about the route, weather and company. We were all entertained by the running commentary coming from the Chariot trailer which housed young Steven who was “earning” his second consecutive New Year's pin.
The route this year spends its time on the peninsula. From Kelsey's at Tillicum Mall you head straight out Interurban to Wallace (via W. Saanich) swing past the fair grounds on Stelly's X Rd. before wending your way to the luxurious new pavement on E. Saanich. A quick hop across the highway takes you to the well-known Lochside Regional Trail and dumps you on the patently ridiculous MacTavish interchange heading to MacTavish Rd. proper. A little climb takes you to the halfway point, a surprisingly well stocked and remarkably friendly convenience store. Turning towards the finish line you'll head up E. Saanich to the rarely seen Mt. Newton X Rd where you'll be treated to some unique vistas of pristine farmland (much of which is for sale). Heading for Keating X Rd, you'll take W. Saanich through Brentwood Bay, passing Butterfly Gardens. One more trip across the highway takes you to the Lochside Regional Trail again (other direction this time) connecting to the Galloping Goose briefly before peeling off to your final destination, Kelsey's. This route was designed to be fairly flat and straightforward. It is expected that weather and conditions will provide an extra nugget of challenge to those who wish to join us for the official ride in the new year.
Wildlife: squirrels, swans, flickers, ravens, eagle, great blue heron, mallards (and assorted ducks), mini rams, ponies, horses, cows, pigs, chickens, geese and assorted flattened mammals.

December 28, 2011 |