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Cycling Club
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Newsletter Archives - 2007
(HTML Pages)
Editor Karen Smith
(On-line Newsletter: Eric Fergusson)

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Ray's Custom Mud Flap by Ray Parker (January)
Another Look at Recumbents by Ron Penner
Bridge Damage by Harold Bridge
John Jamieson Dies, Age 94 by Richard Blair
Cyclist Captures Distance Record by Erin Kelley-Gedischk
Northwest Crank (event announcement)
Year-round Cycling: C-KAP & UMCA's Year-rounder by Eric Fergusson
What the Hell !! (Info Page for the VanIsle "Eau de Hell Week") by Ken Bonner (February)
New Appointments for Ray & Ken by Eric Fergusson
Vancouver Island PBP Info Night - February 21, Wed [info from Ray Parker]
What is Randonneuring? & The Perfect Randonneur Bike by Ray Parker (March)
Faster, Lighter... I Gotta Have It! by Ken Bonner
Thanks for the cycling stuff! by Gary Baker
BC Randoneurs Win C-KAP's 2006 Hewes Challenge by Eric Fergusson
"The Atmosphere Was Electric" - Victoria Populaire 2007 by Gary Baker
Man In Lycra by Eric Fergusson
Info Page for the 2007 Tour of Cowichan Valley by Susan Allen & Doug Latornell
Hewes Award - Riders' photos, etc. by Eric Fergusson
Peace Rider Extremely Cool a message from E. W. (Wim) Kok (April)
VanIsle Eau de Hell Week report by Ken Bonner
...And the birds kept singing-----a novice’s first 400 and 600 km brevet by Graham Fishlock
Kamloops 200 Ride Report by Richard Blair
What I learned on the Eau de Hell 300 (aka The Hills are Alive, Wet, and lined with Rumble Strips) by Tom Clements
Damned Dam 300 by Ken Bonner
Flèche with a Southern Accent by Scott Gater (May)
Interior 300 Report by Richard Blair
Flèche Pacifique - Countdown to 20th Anniversary by Harold Bridge
Randonneurs Conformists? You Must Be Joking by Raymond Parker
Interior 400 "Cariboo Circuit" Report by Richard Blair
There is Always Something to Spoil One's Plans... (Thank Goodness) by Harold Bridge
Interior 600 km by Bob Goodison (June)
PBP Qualifying - Strategies and Tips from Wim Kok, Ken Bonner & Susan Allen
How NOT to qualify for PBP by Bob Koen
Mountains & Deserts & Passes & Headwinds by Eric Fergusson
Entering the Zone: Tsunami III by Raymond Parker
an excerpt from Casey's Journal by Casey Pope (July)
Hoy's 1000 by Harold Bridge
2007 Banff-Jasper-Banff Classic in Reverse 600 km by E.W. (Wim) Kok
0707070 200 - (Less Than) Grand Finale? by Harold Bridge
Ups & Downs: PBP '03 by Eric Fergusson
Princeton Hell Week Summary by Ali & Roger Holt (August)
Paris-Brest-Paris 2007: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience by Susan Barr (September)
Cyclists forego sleep for marathon in France by Joanne Penhale
A PBP Parable----The Blind Men and the Elephant by Graham Fishlock
Fall Flatlander Report by Harold Bridge
The New VanIsle 1200k (2006) by Lawrence Midura (October)
RM 1200 Survey Summary file provided by Cheryl Lynch
Keeping Records by Harold Bridge
New Club Exec. for 2008 by Ross Nichol
There and back again - Tales from PBP 2007 by Bob Koen
Bridge Project by Kevin Falcon & Harold Bridge
Cheryl Lynch wins Roger Street Award by Ali Holt
Sign Language by E.W. (Wim) Kok
Hathaway Tid-bit from Harold Bridge
Chasing Alex by Eric Fergusson (November)
Recovery by Harold Bridge
2007 Season Review by Eric Fergusson