Newsletter - Main
BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
Newsletter Archives - 2009
On-line Newsletter Editor: Eric Fergusson
In Memoriam
Odds & Ends
New Years Day Populaire Report
by Brynne Croy
Message from Yutaka
by Yutaka Moriwaki
BCRCC Permanent Brevets Update January '09
by Tracy Barill & Bob Koen
Stuart's Surrey Sedro goes Sideways
(Permanent 36 Report)
by Stuart Wood
Buccaneer 200
(Permanent 38 Report)
by Roger Holt
Graham's January Cowichan
(Permanent 8 Report)
by Graham Fishlock
San Francisco 200
by Scott Gater
Salmon Arm, Kamloops
(Permanent 40 Report)
by Bob Goodison
Soggy Sasquatch
(Permanent 19 Report)
by Ian Attewell
Getting 'em Round
by Hugo Paige
(sent in by Harold)
Day of Wine and Roses
by Bob Koen
New Randonneur 5000 Pin Design
by Eric Fergusson
The ready randonneur
by Raymond Parker
BC Riders win 2008 C-KAP Awards
by Eric Fergusson
Vancouver Victoria 200
(Permanent 45 Report)
by Jerome Lavigne
by Harold Bridge
Spring Populairs in Fort St. John
by Wim Kok
Recording Popualire History
by Harold Bridge
Tour of the Cowichan Valley - Pre Ride Report
by Lee Ringham
Eau de Hell Week III
by Ken Bonner
Manning a Control - Cowichan 200
by Lee Ringham
DNF: The Ultimate Shame & Disgrace
by David Cambon
Interior 200
by Bob Goodison
Fun Filled 300
by Mike Croy
Hills Are Your Friends, Dead or Alive
by Dave Macmurchie
Alimento en una Bicicleta
by Kevin Bruce
Musings on Chamois Cream
by Ray Parker
Personal Best
by Krazy Kevin
Ryder Lake 300 Report
by Deirdre & Bob
A Few Sprinkles...
by Michel Richard
On the Technique of Climbing
by Luis Bernhardt
by George Muenz
by Harold Bridge
End of a Bike
by Malcolm McAuley
400 kms - ye gods !
by Dave Macmurchie
H2H 400 Preride
by Brynne Croy
Pondering Bike Myths on Nicomen Island
by Luis Bernhardt
Maple Falls 200
(Permanent 28 Report)
by James Mikado
Organizing Made Easy : LM 400
by Susan Allen
Harold's First Girlfriend...
by staff
Brakes (and the Traction Circle)
by Luis Bernhardt
Vancouver Chilliwack - Permanent 35
by Eric Fergusson
Tale of Two Rides
(Interior 400)
by Bob Goodison
24-12 Proposal
by Kevin Bruce
Ultimate Island Explorer 2000
- daily reports
by Doug Latornell
Tour of Greater Victoria 200 - Report
by Brynne & Mike Croy
Rivers, Mines and Vines Report
- Interior 600
by Bob Boonstra
Carradice Bag Boarding
by Eric Fergusson
Pacific Rim 600 brevet
by Raymond Parker
Tsunami 300 Pre-ride
by Graham Fishlock
Golden Ears Bridge - First Impressions
by Gary Baker
SIR 600 km Ride Report
by Luis Bernhardt
There are bears out there
by Peter Moore
South Okanagan / North Cascades 1000
by Deirdre Arscott
Hare & Tortoise 1000
by Ken Bonner
Fix a Flat
by Raymond Parker
Riding in the South
by Scott Gater
Craig's 8 km
by Craig Premack
Celebrating Canada Day
by Harold Bridge
Ken's pre-Gold Rush Randonnee Message
by Ken Bonner
1000km Randonnée: South Okanagan/North Cascades
by Alexander Pope
Tsunami II: "Pacific Circle Route"
by Raymond Parker
Exploring Eastern Ontario on the Westport 400 Km
by E.W. (Wim ) Kok
Backroads 400
by Lindsay Martin
BC Riders at Gold Rush Randonnée
by Eric Fergusson
2009 Gold Rush Randonnée Results
by Eric Fergusson
The "Wannabee" Meets "Bintheredunthat"
by Harold Bridge
My First 400
by Lee Ringham
Permanent 47 Report
by Bob Goodison
Hillier, Wetter, Colder & Fierce Winds
(LEL 2009)
by Ken Bonner
All's well that starts well
(Gold Rush)
by Bob Koen
The (Not) Bella Coola 1000
by Keith Nichol
Last Sailing - Albion Ferry
photos by Alex & Harold
Reflections on the Granite Anvil 1200
by Kathy Brouse
2009 Granite Anvil Time Results
by Eric Fergusson
August Make-up Brevets
by Harold Bridge
Wife's disease pushes cyclist across America
by Katie Robinson
On The Edge - London-Edinburgh-London 1400 Km Randonnée
by Ken Bonner
Granite Anvil 1200 Ride Report
by Bob Koen
Brevet Route Found
by David Cambon
That's Ridiculous
by Kevin Bruce
"It was the best day ever": A Fall Islander 200 Report
by Graham Fishlock
CanPop 142 from Steve's Journal
by Steve Schleicher
Riding the Time Line
by Eric Fergusson
Wicked Permanent
by Ian Attewell
2009 Annual General Meeting
by Eric Fergusson
Riding at Night
by Scott Gater
A 480 km Permanent
by Harold Bridge
Perfect Sasquatch
by David Gillanders & Rick Den Braber
10,000 Km Man
by Harold Bridge
2010 Scheduling, etc
by Scott Gater
New Use for Aero Bars
by Keith Patterson
Winter Cycling... Underwear
by Raymond Parker
Stonehenge Control Card
from Nick Parker
Donuts and Culture
by Kevin Bruce
Pacific Range Explore 1000 Web Pages
compiled by jeff Schlingloff
Equipment for Long Rides
by Ken Bonner
November Bean Bros
by Gary Sparks
Last Chance 200
by Rick den Braber
by Gary Sparks
Snow Bike
by Ivan Andrews
North Road Stories
by Harold Bridge
BC-12 Permanents Pin Design
by Karen & Eric
Can-Am Pin Design Needed
by Karen Smith
Can-Am 2009
by Ken Bonner
BC-12 on TGV
by Bob Koen
Elf Stomper to Kilby
by Keith Nichol
New Years Clothing Blowout
by Danelle Laidlaw
2009 Season in Review
by Eric Fergusson