Jenny & Patrick
on the organizers' pre-ride
Lee Ringham
Tour of the Cowichan
Valley - Pre Ride Report
by Lee Ringham
The Tour of the Cowichan Valley took place
on April 4, 2009. Six intrepid riders - Patrick Wright and Jenny
Watson, aboard their randonneuring tandem, Dave McMurchie, Lee
Ringham, Ken Bonner and Keith Nichol on singles met on a cool,
clear morning in Chemanius BC. Unfortunately two groups of three
- Jenny, Patrick and me and Ken, Keith and Dave were standing
around at opposite ends of the street, each group wondering where
exactly the other was, which slightly delayed things!
Once we sorted that out and said hello, Jenny handed out route
cards and we were off. Keith and Ken immediately roared off,
at approximately 7:15 while Dave, Jenny, Patrick and I followed
somewhat more sedately at about 7:30. What was pleasant morning
standing around - cool, clear and quiet at -1o C, turned out
to be a downright chilly first hour! With slightly numb fingers,
cold toes and frozen ears, we pedalled sedately through Crofton,
Maple Bay, and Cowichan Bay before we stopped at the bakery in
Cowichan Bay for half a dozen raisin buns. (At 6 for $7 they
are worth it!) After a few minutes rest we pushed onto the first
control at Shawningan Lake, arriving roughly 15 minutes before
the control closed. This close shave was due to the late start,
a flat and the aforementioned bun stop. We were
met there by a horde of cookie selling Girl Guides that had strategically
staked out all four corners of the crossroads. Fortunately we
managed to escape unscathed using the excuse that we could not
carry cookies on our bikes.
By the time we arrived at the Glenora control
the temperature had risen considerably and we were able to shed
layers in anticipation of the climbing up to 'the Lake'. Due
to navigational issues in Duncan, Jenny, Patrick and I separated
from Dave and decided to ride a few extra kilometres, before
sorting ourselves out. Curses on local knowledge! Having lived
in Duncan for several years, I knew the way to 'the Lake', unfortunately
my direct route did not match the official one. Once the bitter
recriminations stopped, our group of three backtracked to the
point at which we deviated and we resumed the ride.
We rolled up the Old Lake Cowichan Highway
aided by a slight tailwind and proceeded onto Gordon Bay, where
we rejoined Dave. The entrance the campsite was torn up and full
of potholes, the only bathroom was a long drop and the wind blowing
off the lake was chilly. Not pleasant! Accordingly, our stop
was brief and the four of us headed back towards Lake Cowichan,
where Jenny sensibly suggested a cup of coffee and a snack would
be a good idea.
Once refuelled, the last 40 km past relatively
quickly and uneventfully and the four of us rolled up to the
Dancing Bean Cafe in Chemanius some 10.5 hours after starting.
Dave and I were happy to have finished our second ever 200 km
brevet and both started planning our first 300!
My wife Cathy and I will once again be
at the Gordon Bay control and we will hopefully provide a slightly
more hospitable setting that we encountered. I am not sure about
the weather, the road and out-house will likely be unchanged,
but at the least we will have food, drink and smiling faces!
We hope to see you there!
April 9, 2009 |