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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Newsletter Archives - 2001
(HTML Pages)
Editor Susan Allen
(On-line Newsletter: Susan Allen)

In Memoriam    Odds & Ends    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024



Madam Prez Says by Danelle Laidlaw (2001 Newsletter - Issue 1)
les Randonneurs Mondiaux, President's Letter # 3 by Réal Préfontaine
Dutch Brevet Schedule Ivo via Harold Bridge
Electronic Age by Susan Allen
Clothing for Sale by Danelle Laidlaw
Ride in France: Bordeaux to Apt by Jean Philippe Battu
SoCal Brevet Series Information by Chris Costman
The B.C. 2000 in A.D. 2000 by Nasty
Thoughts on Providing Food on Rides by Gerry Nicol
Strugglin': Part II by Audax UK/Harold Bridge
Old Roads and New - Continued by Harold Bridge
A Christmas Gift from my Bike by Ian Stephen
Fooood! by Harold Bridge
Training Ride by Harold Bridge
Audax Canada Randonneurs by Harold Bridge
Madam Prez Says by Danelle Laidlaw (2001 Newsletter - Issue 2)
Captain Electron by Ian Stephen
Gold Rush Randonnée by Bill Bryant
Super Brevets Scandinavia from Audax Club Nordiques
Pscyhikle Social Ride by Rainy Kent
Tuesday Night Rides by Danelle Laidlaw
Air Canada Bicycle Policy by Susan Allen & Bob Bose
The Bike Touring Seminar by Bruce Mol
Flèche 2000 Pin by John Bates
Flèche Northwest by Peter McKay
Flèche Pacifique Rules by Eric Fergusson
'arold and January by Harold Bridge
The "S.R" That Didn't by Harold Bridge
Viva les Differences! by Doug Latornell
Vetta Computer Repair by Harold Bridge
Front Mudguard Failure Causes OUCH! by Jeremy Meades
Vetta Computer Repair Part II by Harold Bridge
Madam Prez Says by Danelle Laidlaw (2001 Newsletter - Issue 3)
John Hathaway Memorial Ride by David Poon
les Randonneurs Mondiaux, President's Letter #4 by Réal Préfontaine
Ontario Randonneurs Web Page by Alan Thwaits
Post Flèche Adventure - exciting new rides in Merritt by John Bates
New cycling clothing to look spiffy in by Danelle Laidlaw
Socialibility by Harold Bridge
Ride Report - 2001-February-25> by Harold Bridge
SoCal 200 km Ride and Snowshoe Event Slideshow by Chris Kostman & Debbie Caplan
So what's the deal with these time limits anyway? by Eric Fergusson
Flatlander's Fiesta 200 km Brevet by Bill Bryant
Sunday, 2001-03-11 by Harold Bridge
Patches by Gerry Nicol, David Hope and Harold Bridge
March 18: A Missed Fort Langley Ride by Harold Bridge
Fleche 2000 by Neil Jorgensen
Bicycle Touring Seminar a Tremendous Success by Ian Stephen
Rando Social by Ian Stephen
Prizes, prizes, prizes! by Ian Stephen & Danelle Laidlaw
Rebuttal to: Sunday, 2001-03-11 by Danelle Laidlaw
The Deal with Time Limits by Danelle Laidlaw
A Social Thank You by Danelle Laidlaw
Randonneuring and Time Limits by Kent Peterson
For Sale: Campagnolo triple chainset by Harold Bridge
Madam Prez Says by Danelle Laidlaw (2001 Newsletter - Issue 4)
Volunteers Needed for July 1st Ride by Harold Bridge
Tandem Pilots Needed by Gary Steeves
A Memory of World War Two by André Milaire
SIR 200 km Ride Report by Kent Peterson
Beware of Senility by 'Arold (Bridge)
Time Limits by Harold Bridge
How to Treat a Volunteer by Cheryl Lynch
What a Great Day! by Ian Stephen
That Dam 300k by Ray Wagner
"Over My Dead Body" New Time Limits?...I Guess Not by Eric Fergusson
Serpents on the Lower Mainland 200 by Ian Stephen
Using a GPS to Navigate a Brevet by Barry Bogart
The B.C.Randonneurs' Most Popular Event - Be There! by Harold Bridge (2001 Newsletter - Issue 5)
Randonneur Calendar of Events for Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (2001) from Wim Kok
A Tale of a Rookie Rando Who Hit the Wall and Bounced Back by Michael Ball
The TMGGC (Terrible Mountain, Goddamn Gross Challenge) by Danelle Laidlaw
Conspiracy by Harold Bridge
Organiser's Report - Canada Birthday Ride - 2001 Or; "Going Bananas" by Harold Bridge
The Sweetest Ride (an account of the 2001 interior 400 , 427 actually!) by Peter Mair
Kamloops 200 km Brevet by Wim Kok
Ossendrecht [The Netherlands] 300 km Brevet by Wim Kok
Lonneker, The Netherlands: 400 km Brevet by Wim Kok
Halving the Load by Harold Bridge
Recommendation: Travel Book for France by Barry Bogart
Supporting ...On The Edge by Eric Fergusson & Chris Siggers
Canadian Kilometre Achievement Program (C-KAP) by Mike Poplawski (2001 Newsletter - Issue 6)
New Year's Day Populaire by Mike Poplawski
Spinning by Karen Smith
London-Edinburgh-London by Cheryl Lynch
A 3500 km Randonée by Harold Bridge & Mike Poplawski
Tour of Victoria 200 km Brevet--August 4, 2001 by Mike Poplawski
The Olympic Makeup Event?? by Roger Street
Hubris by Tom Hocking
Island Off-Road Populaire (August 26, 2001) by Stephen Hinde
Galloping Goose Populaire recap by Mike Poplawski
Randonneur wins 24 Hr Adrenalin by Ray Wagner
Canada 600 km Brevet by Maya Ide
Make-ups 2001 by Harold Bridge
A Lumpy Flatlander by Harold Bridge
Computers and Tyres by Harold Bridge
On Computers and Tyres by P. Duncan
2001 Season in Review by Eric Fergusson


The Material on these pages is taken from Editor Susan Allen's BC Randonneur newsletter pages 2000-2003
(Still on-line. Wait, no... gone in 2023)