Newsletter - 2001 Archive

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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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The Bike Touring Seminar

Bruce Mol


You are invited to attend the Bicycle Touring Seminar on March 24th from 11 am until 4 pm at the Vancouver Racquets Club 33rd & Ontario. No admission charge and FREE secure bike parking. The VACC (Vancouver Area Cycling Coilition) has joined with the VBC (Vancouver Bike Club) to deliver a series of presentations to help novice and experienced cyclists pick up some tips about bicycle touring. We currently have four presentations scheduled and a growing list of awesome prizes.

The presentations begin with VBC members Erich and Leanne who will be showing some vacation slides of B&B tours while talking about the joys of travelling as a couple. Next up will be Mark from MEC (Mountain Equipment Coop). Mark will be showing some new clothing and equipment for bike touring and some good cross over products you can use throughout the year. Bike maintenance guru Peter, from Guywires Cycletech, will be presenting Tips and Tools for Tourists. Peter will demonstrate and discuss what your bike will need before and during a tour. Our last presentation features Camping Couple Doug and Susan who will disassemble their mock campsite. During the day they will answer one-on-one questions about camping. As our last presentation, they will demonstrate how to divide equipment and balance panniers.

But that's not all! There will be tables occupied by cycling groups and touring businesses. Tour du Canada will be there and so will Tour BC. Our goal is to have someone to answer any question about bike touring. In the table space area, cycling association volunteers will be representing the benefits of joining cycling associations. Some are even bringing their personal photo albums! Keep updated on the event and sponsor prize donations by checking










