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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Newsletter Archives - 2015
On-line Newsletter Editor: Eric Fergusson

In Memoriam    Odds & Ends    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024



PBP Info Night in Victoria by Mike Croy (January)
Craig on cover of Vancouver Province Accompanying article by Keith Fraser
Iron Butt Hand Off by EF & Gary Baker (February)
"Steel Division Monument" Israel 300 km by Gary Sparks
PBP Info Night in Victoria - Report by Mike Croy
Chili 200 - An Invitation by Mike Croy
Chili 200 Pre-ride Report by Rob Scimgeour
Dan McGuire Continues Cross Canada Journey by Jim Day (for the Guardian) (March)
An invitation to the Island Randonneurs Spring Social in Victoria by Holland Gidney
Cook'n on the Chili by Michael Tilitzky
The Espresso Run and Getting Soaked to the Bone by Jaime Guzman
Island Randonneurs Spring Social a Success by Holland Gidney
VicPop Pre-ride Report by Steve Mahovlic
Vancouver’s Spring Classic and Holding on to the Alphas by Jaime Guzman
Island Randonneurs in Saanich News by unnamed reporter (April)
So... How Wet Was It? (Permanent #18 Report) by Michel Richard
Tour of the Cowichan Valley 200 km Pre-ride Report by Mike Croy
Victoria Populaire Organizer's Report by Steve Mahovlic
Celebration of Life for Harold Bridge - May 4 by Vanessa Cowley
Hell Week Bookends (with Volumes in the Middle) by Jim Runkel
Once Over 300 Enticement Report... by Steve Mahovlic
Ferry Tale 200 Report by Bob Goodison
The Once Over 300 Report by Steve Mahovlic
Harold Bridge's Memorial and Celebration of Life by Eric Fergusson (May)
Controle Freak 300 Report by Bob Goodison
Tour des Volcanos des Cascades by Bob Koen
Interior 400 km Brevet: Highway to Helmcken by Richard Blair
Whidbey 600 Preride Tale by David King
Islanders Invade Interior Princeton Clockwise 600 Report by Bob Goodison (June)
Cowichan Popualire Organizer's Report (160, 100, & 50 km) by Dave Macmurchie
Suddenly Seymour 200 Ride Report by Deirdre Arscott & Bob LePage
Salt Spring Island Surprise 200 - An Invitation by Holland Gidney
Gold River Eureka 1000 by Jim Runkel
2015 Promotional Brochure from Bob Goodison & Ryan Kurz
The Saltspring Surprise by Melissa Haynes
Unfinished Business with Mt Hood & a Visit to the Sisters by Will Danicek
Oh, what a ride...... The Volcano 1000 by Gary Baker (July)
Loppy Interior 1000 by Bob Goodison
Lessons Learned at the Grape Escape A (Riding) Volunteer's Insights by Rob Scrimgeour
Canada Photo at PBP 2015 by Eric Fergusson
Who's Going to PBP? BC Randonneurs Registered for PBP 2015 EF
Who's Going to PBP? Canadians Registered for PBP 2015 EF
Heart of the Kootenays - SR600 by Bob Koen (August)
Taking on Paris Brest Paris (Canadian Cycling - August/September 2015) by Jeff Shmoorkoff
PBP 2015 Group Photos photos by Susan Goodison (September)
PBP Story by Bob Goodison
2015 Fall Flatlander 200 (aka - the squallander as Darren called it) by Gary Baker
Tour DeMilles 200 Report by Bob Goodison
Bridges for Harold (200 km) Primer by Ron Stewart
Ride Against Time - The Agony and Triumph of Randonneur Cycling by Scott Lansdowne for Analogue Magazine
Jim's PBP Experience by Jim Runkel (October)
Le 1000 du Sud 2015 by Bob Koen
Fall IsleLander 200 ("Somewhat Familiar" route) by Lorraine Nygaard
Larry Voth Dies at 68 Allison Voth/Ron Stewart (November)
What it’s like to ride 1200 kilometres non-stop by Dave Campbell & Holland Gidney
2016 Promotional Poster submitted by Mike Croy (December)
Paris Brest en Tandem by John Oswald
2015 Year-end Stats by Eric Fergusson