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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Newsletter Archives - 2014
On-line Newsletter Editor: Eric Fergusson

In Memoriam    Odds & Ends    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024



Cool Elephant Permanent #81 Report by Nigel Press (January)
A Ride Through Hell and Back Again (from the Cowichan News Leader Pictorial) by Nick Bekolay
Granite Anvil 1200 (from the Frontenac News) by Jeff Green
A Chilly Flatlander Permanent #18 Report by Gary Baker
January Safari Permanent #88 Report by Will Danicek
January REM Permanent #94 Report by Bob Koen
PBP 2015 Info Brouchure from ACP
Dug Down Under by Dug Andrusiek (February)
Wheee! First ride of 2014 Permanent #81 Report by Étienne Hossack
Tailwind Elf Stomper Permanent #33 Report by Cheryl Lynch
Viva Las Vegas RUSA Permanents Reports by Gary Sparks
Follow the Fraser Permanent #126 Report by Étienne Hossack
Experimenting with a Front Disc Brake by Luis Bernhardt (March)
Peninsula 300 Permanent #32 Report by David Campbell
Our Hail Mary February Permanent Permanent #18 Report by Gary Baker
2014 Promotional Brochure from Bob Goodison & Ryan Kurz
Chili 200 on Old Tires by John Oswald
Chilling on a Chilly “Chili 200” by Michael Tilitzky
Organizer's Pre-rde Report by Sylvia Lee
Early Bird Report by Silvia Lee
Tour of Greater Victoria 200 by Holland Gidney
Randonnesia Sets In by John Oswald
2013 C-KAP Totals - BC Randonneurs Make It Ten Straight by EF
Define Your Focus: Lessons from Lon by John Oswald (April)
In Over My Head - Organizing the VanIsle 1200 by Steve Mahovlic with David Gillanders
Country Roads, Take Me Home by Sarah Gallazin
BC Randonneurs Alumni Reunion Ride by Peter Lysne
Étienne's Buccaneer by Étienne Hossack
Pritchard Plummet 200 Pre-ride by Bob Goodison
The Hills Are Alive 300 Pre-ride Report - Not For the Faint of "Hills"by Jim Runkel
Flèche Top 10 by Colin Fingler
The Hills Are Alive (300 km)Orgainzer's Report by Dewain Emrich
Pritchard Plummet (200 km) Orgainzer's Report by Bob Goodison
The Nimpomaniac A Look Ahead to the Interior 600 km, June 7 & 8 by Richard Blair
Ryder Hatzic Hill 300 Notes from the Pre-ride by Chris Cullum
Randonneur Mondiaux 1200 km Brevet Medal Selected - Design by Ali Holt by EF
Dam to Dam to Dam Notes from the Pre-ride by Bob Goodison
Ryder Hatzic Hill 300 Report by Keith Fraser
Ryder Hatzic 300 – Spring Scenery and New Friends by Jaime Guzman
The Hill are Alive ...and they're out to get youby Michael Tilitzky
300 yay! by Étienne Hoosack
Party in the Parks! Étienne's March Permanent by Étienne Hoosack (May)
Dam to Dam to Dam 300 - Disappointment, And Yet Not by Bob Goodison
Highway to Hell 400 by Jim Runkel
H2H 400 - A Flat Tire Nightmere by Jaime Guzman
Concrete Seahorse 400 Preride & Organizer's Route Notes by Will Danicek
Triple S 200 - What to Expect by Gary Baker
A Frantic First 400 Following Food Fun Featuring Étienne Étienne Hoosack
Concrete Seahorse 400 Organizer's Report by Will Danicek
Coastal Inspiration 200 - An Invitation by Graham Fishlock
Cariboo Loop 400 Organizer's Report by Richard Blair
The Mighty Fraser and a Deeply Disturbing Act by Jaime Guzman (June)
Cache Creek 600 by Luis Bernhardt
Cache Creek 600 by Keith Fraser
Coastal Inspiration 200 Pre-ride by Jim Runkel
Nimpomaniac 600 Thank You by Christine Kraayvanger
Bicycle Ferry Brevet Tour Mashup Weekend by Holland Gidney
Nimpomaniac 600 by Bob Goodison
Cowichan Populaire Organizer's Report by Dave Macmurchie
2014 Triple 'S' 200 Organizer's Report by Gary Baker
Raid on Royston (VI Summer 300) - An Invitation by Mike Croy
Cape Disappointment 1000 Organizer's Report by Bob Koen
16 BC Riders at Cascade 1200 by EF
Cascade 2014: A Perpetual Climb and Spinning Like Crazy by Jaime Guzman
Cape Disappointment 1000 Rick's View From Behind the Front of the Pack by Rick den Braber
Planning vs. The Trance of Speed - Cascade 1200 Day One by John Oswald
Hot and Heavy - Cascade 1200 Day Two by John Oswald (July)
Descending Secrets Unlocked, Your Best Season Ever - Cascade 1200 Day Three by John Oswald
This Might Be the Way it is Supposed to Be - Cascade 1200 Day Four by John Oswald
Epilogue: Cascade 1200 by John Oswald
Randos Go Touring - 3 x 200 by Susan Allen
Randos Go Touring - Ron's Story by Ron Stewart
Southern Interior Make-up Brevets Weekend Primer by Bob Goodison
Eureka 1000k by John Pearch
Raid on Royston by Bob Boonstra
Miss Golden Pitt 200 - Preride / Route Notes by Kevin Bruce
Cache Creek 600 by Étienne Hossack
Park in the Parks 200 Permanent #213 by Étienne Hossack
Cyclists to Cover Island in Under 90 Hours Campbell River Mirror
Two wheels, 1,200 clicks - no problem Victoria Times Colonist
Brief Report from the Yellow Point Control by Graham Fishlock
Superb Volunteers and Surviving the Heat by Jaime Guman
VanIsle 1200 by Bob Goodison
Whatcom Wamble 300 - Route Notes by Gary Sparks
Definitely Not Running on Empty by James Ellsworth, Senior Living Magazine
VanIsle 1200 by Kathy Brouse
VanIsle 1200 by Étienne Hossack (August)
July's Whatcom Wamble by Étienne Hossack
Klamath Falls 1000 Trip Report – from both ends by Bob Koen
Our Klamath Falls 1000 by Gary Baker
Sunshine 200 Preride - Route Notes by Deirdre Arscott
Interior Make-up Brevet Weekend (200-600) by Bob Goodison
Sunshine 200 - Organizers Report by Deirdre Arscott
My First 600 (because I can only use that title once) by Holland Gidney
Wack Pack (3x200) Invitation by Gary Baker
1980s Vintage Club Jersey by Eric Fergusson
From Super Slob to Super Randonneur in Three Years by Ron Stewart (September)
Last Blast of Summer Pre-ride by Kristy Lee Mighton
Suzanne Lepertel Dies at 92 by Jean-Gualbert FABUREL
Barkerville 1000 by Bob Goodison
Fall Flatlander 200 - Preride & Route Info by Ron Stewart
Last Blast 200 - Organizer's Report by Kristy Lee Mighton
Last Blast 200 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Lorraine Nygaard
Wack Pack Report by Gary Baker
VanIsle 1200 by Willi Fast
Ramble Report (Hardly a Ramble 2, 200 km) by Bob Goodison
Fall IsleLander 200 Report by Lorraine Nygaard (October)
Fall Island Social on November 2 by Mike Croy
2015 Promotional Poster submitted by Mike Croy (November)
Eleventh Hour 200: New Golden Lions 200 Route by Tracy Barill
A Blustery Remembrance Ride and the Closing of a Very Full Season by Jaime Guzman
The 11th Hour... 72 hours before by Étienne Hossack
Randonneur Saison - Beer from Dageraad by EF & Ben Coli
Vintage Club Jersey - Light Blue vs. Navy by EF & Mike Hagen (December)
BC Randonneurs "Bumble Bee" Jersey Design Origins by EF & Michel Richard
Crashing the Charly Miller Society by Luis Bernhardt
2014 Bruxelles – Strasbourg – Bruxelles: From Lemons to Lemonade by E.W. (Wim) Kok
2015 New Year's Day Populaire - An invitation by Mike Croy
My First 1200 - 2014 Cascade 1200 by David King
2014 Year-end Stats by Eric Fergusson