Christine Kraayvanger & Trevor Taylor
Photo from Randy Benz
Dam to Dam to Dam 300 km
Disappointing, And Yet Not
by Bob Goodison
After we ran the Dam to Dam to Dam (or 3-D) route in 2011, we were told by rider after rider that if and when we ran it again, they wanted to be there. Then, last fall, we did an informal poll to see if there was enough interest to make it feasible. Everyone we talked to was excited to ride it, or to ride it again. So, plans were made, the pre ride was done, and we waited for people to register. Very few did. A few let me know that they were coming, but later pulled out, for reasons ranging from injuries and illnesses to family commitments and fear of the weather. After all, the pre riders had endured about twelve hours of rain and temperatures of three to seven degrees.
Those who did show up were not disappointed. True to the forecast, the three ride day riders set off in the rain. Unlike the pre ride day, however, the rain stopped after a couple of hours, giving beautiful views of the snow capped mountains. When the sun came out, so did the caribou. A herd of nine hung around the Wallis Road control for a few hours, and another herd of four were seen a little further north. Also spotted by riders were bears, a coyote, many deer and a mouse (yes, mouse, not moose). With more volunteers than riders, they were somewhat spoiled when they came into controls, with choices ranging from home made lentil or turkey noodle soup to chili, baked goodies, tea, hot chocolate etc. Everyone finished within the time limits, although a bit chilly at the end as the clear skies meant a cold night.
If you are one of those who wanted to ride this route, you may have missed your chance. IF we ever run it again, we will have it up on Randopony at least a month before, and if there are not fifteen riders registered two weeks before, we will notify riders and switch to a route that starts in Kamloops.
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May 11, 2014 |