Photo: Alex Pope
Canada Day 144 Populaire
by Ali Holt
There was a record turnout for the Canada Day Populaire with 342 riders registered and 320 finishers. Despite the cool weather and somewhat threatening skies in the morning, there was no actual rain and the finish was in sunshine. Riders were in a good mood and a number turned in rides they were very proud of.
The volunteers were superb again and we all owe them a huge debt of gratitude for a long hard day of work. Most of us started our volunteer shifts at 6:30 am in Fort Langley and didn’t finish the final clean and pack up until shortly after 6:00 pm.
We are also very grateful to Fresh Direct Produce for their generous donation of fruit for the event. The lovely oranges, melons and bananas were much appreciated by all the riders. Thank you also to Danelle Laidlaw for arranging the donation and picking up the fruit in addition to her other help.

Ride Organizers Ali & Roger Holt
Photo: Craig Premack
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July 2, 2011 |