Newsletter - 2011 Archive

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Cycling Club
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Suburban Safari 200 (New Permanent)
Paul Mathias

On August 13, 2011 Stuart Wood and I embarked on the newly created Suburban Safari 200K route. It is truly a Suburban Safari that travels through South Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Abbotsford, Ft. Langley, Surrey, North Delta, Ladner and Tsawwassen before ending again in South Surrey. The route attempts to avoid busier traffic areas while moving through populated town centres. The only exception might be River Rd. in Delta where there are a larger number of tractor trailer vehicles on week-days but fairly quiet on week-ends.

The variety of quiet country roads with busier town centres is matched by the potential for very different weather at various points on the ride. It is not uncommon to have overcast in South Surrey, rain in Langley, fog in Ft. Langley and sun with gusty wind in Ladner/Tsawwassen. All of these could be experienced in the same one day ride. Stuart and I did experience cross winds from Ladner back to South Surrey on the day we rode the route. The Control at Petras Café in Tsawwassen did break that up somewhat and allowed for some renewed energy to complete the finish.

Another advantage of this route is that it might have appeal in the difficult winter months when changing weather or unrepairable mechanical problems might lead to an abandonment. This route stays in close proximity to most cities or towns south of the Fraser. By remaining in close proximity it could allow a shorter return to base in a time of need.

While this route will remain intact for a long time be aware that it does use roads that are in proximity to the construction underway for the new South Fraser Perimeter Hwy and as such there could be minor detours periodically. We did not experience any such detours but did have to detour early in the ride on 0 avenue in Langley due to a road repair closure. It added 3.2km to our ride.

Enjoy the Safari.


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August 14, 2011



















