Anna Bonga 1994
Photo: Harold Bridge
Fast Women
Fast Brevet Times by BC Women
Data from Cheryl Lynch
Shawn Wenger's fast 200 km at the Interior 200 last weekend got people wondering if it might be a record. Database manager Cheryl Lynch looked into it. This is from an e mail message from a few days ago to Shawn and others:
6:50 is fast! Wow.
Re: record club 200 time for woman, here are the times under 7 hours. Shawn is definitely closing in on a record time. Too bad about the ferry wait! When I did 6:41 I didn't know what the fastest time was either.
F 200 6:35 Bonga Anna --/--/1991
F 200 6:35 Bonga Anna --/--/1992
F 200 6:41 Lynch Cheryl 09/24/2006
F 200 6:56 Barr Susan 09/18/2005
F 200 6:57 Lynch Cheryl 09/12/2004
The fastest 300 is10:43 by Anna Bonga. Susan Barr did 11:45, Deirdre did 11:55 and I broke 12 (11:59) once. Shawn already has ridden 12:02, so we know she can break 12, but breaking 11 is a bit tougher.
Fastest 400 is 15:08 by Susan Barr. Anna did 15:50 and 16:30, and I've done 16:36. Nobody else under 17h.
So far my 26:10 600 in 1997 is still fastest 600. Anna did 26:57, 27:58 and 30:51. Nobody else under 30.
In case anyone is interested, the fastest 1000, again by Anna, is 61:31.
It's harder to do fast times with more and more traffic and longer lights. Ferries don't help either :)
Happy (fast) riding!!
Shawn Wenger at the
Kamloops 200 last weekend
Photo: Bob Goodison
Cheryl Lynch at the
Eau de Hell Week 200, April 9
Photo: Jim Runkel
April 27, 2011 |