Newsletter - 2019 Archive

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November Flatlander
Permanent #18, 209 km
Ride date: November 1, 2019
by Karen Smith

Gary Baker and I rode our November permanent at our earliest chance, Nov 1!
Wow! That's a first for me! It seems that I am often riding near the end of the month.
The forecast was good and it was before the time change. Let's go!

We had a gorgeous, mostly sunny, fall day! We started in zero degrees, saw highs of 12 and finished in 6 degrees.
Wind was not an issue and we had amazing weather for November!!!

No flats, no mechanicals.
We had very light traffic and one train delay of 13 minutes.

Within 30 km of the start, I received a phone call that my Uncle had passed away.
It was hard to continue but I dedicated the ride to Uncle Vince and thought a lot about him and family times.|
He would like that. : )

Rides can be very meditative and therapeutic. It certainly was today...
Gary and I talked a lot about death and mortality. At times it was somber but we also talked about living life to the fullest and making each day count.

Thanks Gary for your patience and companionship!
It was a good ride!

: )


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November 13, 2019