Newsletter - 2019 Archive

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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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BC Randonneur Board of Directors 2020
(& Mark Payten - Island Brevet Coordinator)
Anna Bonga, Colin Fingler, Jacques Bilinski, Mark Payten,
Mike Hagen, Peter Stary, Jeff Mudrakoff & Gary Sparks
Missing Directors: Stephen Hinde, Cheryl Lynch, Nigel Press
Photos: Eric Fergusson

Annual General Meeting 2019
Event date: October 20, 2019
by Eric Fergusson

27 members and 7 guests braved a soggy Sunday to attend this year's BC Randonneurs annual general meeting and brunch at the Coastal Tsawwassen Inn. Ten of them arrived early and rode the social ride to work up an appetite.


President Colin Fingler reviewed what was an eventful 2019 with a focus on Paris Brest Paris - 32 participating riders and 24 PBP finishers. Seven members received pins for completing 1000 km brevets and 96 volunteer pins were awarded including to four out-going directors: Will Danicek, Étienne Hossack, Roxanne Stedman and Maciej Szarecki.


Colin Fingler (President)
Gary Sparks (Vice President)
Jacques Bilinski (Treasurer)
Anna Bonga (Secretary)
Mike Hagen
Stephen Hinde
Cheryl Lynch
Jeff Mudrakoff
Nigel Press
Peter Stary
Regional Brevet Coordinators
Lower Mainland: Nigel Press
Peace Region: Wim Kok
South Interior: Bob Goodison
Vancouver Island: Mark Payten


Go to: AGM Info Page
Go to: Minutes of 2019 AGM


October 22, 2019