Newsletter - 2019 Archive

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Cycling Club
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Logan Lake 200
Ride date: April 20, 2019
by Bob Goodison

Wow! We had a beautiful sunny day for the Interior Logan Lake 200. Never mind that we had to scrape ice off the windshield before driving to the start, or that we had headwinds for +- 75 % of the ride. The route was beautiful, as always, but the winds combined with the 2200m-ish vertical made for one very challenging ride. Everyone's ride took longer than expected.

It was great to see several riders who had not done a brevet for several years, and welcome a few for their first 200. Very, very strong rides by Ian Fillinger, Meaghan Hackinen and Shawn Wenger, leaving the rest of us in their dust. This despite Shawn being hit by a car early in the ride. Score: Shawn 1, car mirror zero, although she will likely have a mirror-shaped bruise on her butt. Duffy's Pub welcomed us at the finish, where we enjoyed great food and adult recovery beverages. Lesson for organizers : If a ride is difficult, make sure the last few kms are downhill to a pub. You will be forgiven.


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April 22, 2019