Manfred, Bob, Deirdre and Bob
They Also Ski
from Manfred Kuchenmuller
Manfred, Bob Lepage, Deirdre Arscott and Bob Boonstra between them have 19 PBPs and 8 Rocky Mountain 1200s. But this week they're skiing. Here's a recent message from Manfred.
Hi Eric,
I am sending you a picture from Sun Peaks. You might be interested in posting it to let people know what randonneurs do when cycling seems to difficult.
Deirdre, Bob's L and B and I had a great weekend of skiing Tod mountain. They wore me out and Boonstra, bless his optimism, felt that the best skiing (telemark skiing) and the best powder was between the trees where no man or woman had ventured before. I got very good at picking myself up in the deep snow and even managed to crawl out of a tree well.
Looking forward to the Rando season!
March 1, 2012