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BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

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First-person accounts by PBP participants


Paris Brest Paris 2015 by Steve Atkins

PBP-15 – Here we go again... by Mark Beaver [PDF]

Riding into the unknown - ElliptiGO Paris Brest Paris (PBP) report 16 - 20 August 2015 by Stuart Blofeld

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015. Beretning om oplevelser fra 81 timer på cykel gennem det franske... af Arne Brændmose

Reflections on PBP 2015 by Kathy Brouse (2nd of 3 rider stories on page - scroll down

Nick’s 2015 Paris-Brest-Paris: Had We But World Enough and Time by Nick Bull

What it’s like to ride 1200 kilometres non-stop (2015) by Dave Campbell & Holland Gidney

premier PBP (2015) author identified as: ch'ti lillois d'vizilley

PBP 2015: "Success has many fathers; failure is an orphan" (9 parts) by Rebecca Clark

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 by Martin Cooper (1st of 3 rider stories on page)

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 af Claus Hviid Christensen

Wee Report - Paris brest Paris 1200km (2015) by Campbell Crombie

My Paris-Brest-Paris (PBP) 2015 by Guillaume D'Aboville

1230 km na rowerze w 63 godziny (2015) by Mateusz Dabrowski

PBP Paris Brest Paris 2015 Olympics for Randonneurs by Lorenzo Dalle Ave

Bon Courage: 2015 Paris Brest Paris Ride by Gardner Duvall and Theresa Furnari

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 - Sam's Story by Sam Ehlers

PBP 2015, la boite à souvenirs à Poucet … par Gilles Esselin

Paris-Brest-Paris Report (2015) by Stuart Fahey *(web.archive)

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 (2015) by Dick Felton (3rd of 3 rider stories on page - scroll down)

Bon Courage: Theresa's 2015 Paris-Brest-Paris by Theresa Furnari
Bon Courage: 2015 Paris Brest Paris Ride by Theresa Furnari and Gardner Duvall (a slightly differnent version from American Randonneur)

Paris Brest Paris 2015, To Forget 2011! by Fabrice Gaydon *(web.archive)

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 by Patty George

Paris Brest Paris 2015 by Bob Goodison

Living the dream. One account of Paris-Brest-Paris. (2015) by Nigel Greene ("Iron Rider")
Living the Dream. One Account of PBP (2015) by Nigel Greene
(a slightly differnent version from American Randonneur)

Paris-Brest-Paris, A 765 Mile Randonnée (2015) by Martin Gruebele & friends

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015: The Highs, The Lows and The Highs by Jenny Oh Hatfield

PBP 2015 - a long read/road by Bob Hayssen *(web.archive)
Paris Brest Paris 2015 in Under 84 Hours by Bob Hayssen
(a slightly differnent version from American Randonneur)

Fixed it! Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 by Ian Hennessey

Paris - Brest 2015 by Roger Hillas

2015 Paris - Brest - Paris : rien ne va plus! von Max Holtz

Paris Brest Paris 2015 - stuff I didn't do in 2011 that I am glad I did! by Marcus Jackson-Baker

Ride Report, Paris-Brest-Paris Randonneur 1200km (2015) by Sheni Jiwa *(web.archive)

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 by Meyrick Jones

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 von Walter Jungwirth

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015, Le Retour by Jason Karp

Cycling Paris-Brest-Paris 2015: Une Grand’ E-Motion! by E.W.(Wim) Kok

Récit de mon PBP 2015 (2 parts) by Michel Leboissetier

My Paris-Brest-Paris (2015) by Pascal Ledru

Paris-Brest- Paris (2015) by Björn Lenhard - German (original) - English (the 2015 first-finisher's ride story)
(saved copies)

Paris-Brest-Paris, A 765 Mile Randonnée (2015) by Ryan Linne & friends

Paris Brest Paris 2015 by David Litt

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 (6 parts) by Philip Magnus

PBP (16-20 August, 2015) by Idai Makaya

Paris-Brest-Paris Report (2015) by Christian Mauduit

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 Ride Report by Scott McCann

4th time around? Looking back at Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 by Rob McIvor

Paris-Brest-Paris (2015) by Peta McSharry

Paris Brest Paris 2015 – a 1200km randonnee by Kevin Merrison

PBP 2015, balancing on the limit by Ivo Miesen

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 (11 parts) by Søren Flensted Möller

Paris-Brest-Paris (2015) (5 parts) by Lisa Nicholson

Paris-Brest-Paris attempt 2015 by Allen O'Leary

Paris Brest en Tandem (2015) by John Oswald

My Paris-Brest-Paris Story 2015 by Devika Patil

Becoming an Ancienne (2015) Dawn Piech

Paris-Brest-Paris 18me édition (2015) by Alex Piotrowski

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 by Massimiliano Poletto

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 von Heike Priess

Paris – Brest – Paris 2015 af Christian Rasmussen

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015: A personal account by Redlight

PBP15 (2015) by Mark Riley

I Rode It! Paul Robson at the 2015 Paris-Brest-Paris Randonneur by Paul Robson [PDF version] [online version at cyclingplus.com (photos by Damon Peacock)

Paris Brest Paris 2015 by Peter de Rond (Confusing layout. 4 ride pages plus other support pages.)

Jim's PBP Experience (2015) by Jim Runkel

Paris Brest Paris 2015 Ride Report by Nick Runtsch

PBP 2015 Ride Report by Chris Scott

My Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 story (5 parts) by Carmela Seriña-Pearson

PBP 2015 Detailed Ride Report by Samir Shah

My 7th PBP Adventure (2015) by Lois Springsteen

Paris Brest Paris 2015 by Jonathan Stainsby

Mein PBP 2015 von Winfried Stoll

87 very special hours – my PBP 2015 by Olaf Storbeck

Referat fra PBP 2015 av Bjørn Olav Sviund

Paris~Brest~Paris as Seen in the Rear View Mirror (2015) by George Swain

Compte Rendu PBP 2015 par Christian Thoréton

Henry’s Paris-Brest-Paris Adventure (2015) about Henry van den Broek by an unidentified author at Sevencycles.com

PBP 2015 Ride Report by Vickie Tyler

Pari (-Brest-Paris) réussi (2015) by André Vinatier

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015. 50:55:10 by Howard Waller

Jon Webb’s Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 by Jon Webb

Paris-Brest-Paris (2015) (5 Parts) by Nick Wilkinson

From Randonneur Rookie to PBP 2015: An Interview with Eric Williams Interview by Mary Gersema

Confessions of a 91 hour Paris-Brest-Paris rider (2015) by Derek Wolfson

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015 vom 16.-20. August 2015 von Hans-Hermann Wulff

Paris-Brest-Paris, A 765 Mile Randonnée (2015) by Jay Yost & friends


*(web.archive) = This story is off line at original location. It was retrieved using the wayback machine at web.archive.org.


Broken links that are not available through web.achive.org

PBP 2015 Recap - Craig Aamodt V2 by Craig Aamodt

Paris - Brest - Paris 2015 by Ethan Doeman

Ride Report - Micah Garb-Mike Hoch-Steve Duerre (2015) by Micah Garb

PBP2015 by George Larson

PBP 2015 by Rob Welch

Paris Brest Paris 1200k (2015) by Graeme Wyllie