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BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

PBP Stories

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First-person accounts by PBP participants


Paris Brest Paris 2011 by Steve Atkins

PBP: Stuff that Worked (2011) by Jamie Andrews
PBP: the Fast Bits (2011) by Jamie Andrews

Paris-Brest-Paris (2011) by Marko Baloh *(web.archive)

Jeff Bauer’s Fixed Gear PBP 2011 by Jeff Bauer

Paris - Brest - Paris 2011 by Mark Beaver

PBP i utförsbacke (2011) by Christian Behre

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 - The Ride by Luis Bernhardt *(web.archive)

Paris – Brest – Paris 2011 by Martin Berry

A PBP ancien rides again with mixed thoughts but ultimately happiness (2011) by Colin Bezant

Paris Brest Paris 2011 by Charlie Bladon

Ride Report – Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Gordon Blair

Le Lapin et la Tortue (2011) par Damien Boix

PBP Rewind: Nick Bull's PBP2011 Story by Nick Bull

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Dylan Carney *(web.archive)

Paris Brest-Paris 2011 by Dean Clementson

PBP 2011 – The Ride! by Rick Cosaro *(web.archive)

Crewing at Paris-Brest-Paris 2011: the agony, the ecstasy, the falling asleep by Damien *(web.archive)

My Full 2011 PBP Ride Report by Dan Diehn (alt posting: Ancien *(web.archive))

Paris Brest Paris (2011) by William Dossett

Paris-Brest-Paris, the Civilized Way (2011) Wayne Dunlap *(web.archive)

One Year Ago: Billy the Kid's 2011 PBP by Billy Edwards

La Belle Aventure des Mousquetaires de CCK (2011) par Gilles Esselin (French) (alt partial posting: here)

Paris-Brest-Paris - Never Again (2011) by James Fairbank (Croix de Fer alternate version *web.archive)

PBP 2011: A successful and fun ride by Edward Felker

Our Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Tandem by Edward Felker and Mary Gersema

There and Back Again (2011) by Ian Garrity

My PBP 2011 Story: You Have to Go to Know by Mary Gersema

Our Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Tandem by Mary Gersema and Edward Felker

Paris – Brest – Paris 2011 by Leif Grimstveit

Paris Brest Paris 2011 by Melissa Hall

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Christopher Heg *(web.archive)

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Ian Hennessey

Paris Brest Paris 2011 by Robert Higdon *(web.archive)

Paris - Brest 2011 by Roger Hillas

Ride Report – Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Peter Hoeltzenbein

Jack Holmgren’s PBP 2011: The Tale of the Magnets by Jack Holmgren

2011 Paris - Brest - Paris von Max Holtz (German)

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 af Claus Hviid (Danish)

Did Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 Live Up To My Expectations? by Marcus Jackson-Baker

Ride Report – Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by David Johnston

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 von Walter Jungwirth

My Solitary Paris-Brest-Paris (2011) by Jason Karp

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Igor Kovse

The Four Days of Paris-Brest-Paris (2011) by Joe Kratovil

PBP Randonneur 2011: Kings of the road by Narayan Krishnamoorthy

Discussion list entry (PBP 2011) by Shreyas Kumar *(web.archive)

Archival Report: Paris Brest Paris 2011 by Leslie Larson

Mon deuxième Paris Brest Paris (2011) par Jean-Francois Le Strat (French)

Paris to Brest to Fresnay-sur-Sarthe -- Lessons from the "Metric Millenium" Ride (2011) by David Litt

Paris Brest Paris 2011 - Trip Report by Jim Logan [pdf]

Riding to Finish (PBP 2011) by Tony Lonero

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Philip Magnus *(web.archive)

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Paul Martin? *(web.archive)

Paris Brest Paris Grand Randonnée (2011) (3 Parts) by Dave McCraw

PBP 2011 by James McKee

Sous le Ciel de Paris - Paris Brest Paris: A very long way of getting back where I started (2011) by Gregory Melia

Mon second et dernier Paris-Brest-Paris (2011) by Jean Michel

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Michel Mingant

A Good Ride, Outside the Limits (PBP 2011) by George Moore

Paris Brest Paris 2011 by Michel Moran *(web.archive)

Mon premier Paris Brest Paris en fixie (2011) par Carl Morin (French)

A Ride of Extremes (2011) by Bec Morton

Ride Report – Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Ken Myhre

20 Hours Quicker! Pointers for a Pacey PBP (2011) by Tom Nankivell

My PBP ride (2011) by Parky (Alan Parkinson)

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 "Autopsie d'un abandon" par David Pauthier *(web.archive)

Mon premier Paris Brest Paris (2011) par Frédéric Perman (French)

Paris Brest Paris 2011 by Chris Pile (alternate posting Here *web.archive)

Paris Brest Paris (2011) by Frank Proud

Paris-Brest-Paris Report "Seattle's Chris Ragsdale 5th @ 2011 Paris-Brest-Paris" by Chris Ragsdale, framed by David Longdon *(web.archive)

Le hasard fait bien les choses (2011) par Jean Roberts (French)

Paris-Brest-Paris the Support Report (2011) by Andrea Rogers (supporting Andrew Rodgers)

PBP 2011: An epic ride deserves an epic ride report by Paul Rozelle

PBP 2011 #1 of ? by Jim Runkel

Paris Brest Paris 2011 by Matthew Scholes *(web.archive)

Chris' Ride Report (2011) by Chris Scott

Paris-Brest-Paris... 1230km of cycling in 90 hours... my toughest ride to date... (2011) by Carmela Seriña-Pearson

Andy's 2011 PBP by Andy Sorensen *(web.archive)

There and back again (sooner than you think) – PBP 2011 by Gernot Stenz *(web.archive)

Paris Brest Paris 2011 : race out , tour back by Peter Stott

PBP 2011! by Tim Taylor

Mon second Paris Brest Paris à vélo où j'ai bien failli abandonner à Carhaix by Christian Thoréton [PDF][or Word Doc]

Sigurd Tjelmelands historie (2011) by Sigurd Tjelmeland

5 millioner kilometer pa cykel af Gert Tjerrild (Danish)

Paris Brest Paris - PBP 2011 - Ride Report by Els Vermeulen

My Paris-Brest-Paris (2011) by Bill Watts

PBP: the Fast Bits (2011) - Author not identified

*(web.archive) = This story is off line at original location. It was retrieved using the wayback machine at web.archive.org.


Broken links that are not available through web.achive.org

Paris - Brest - Paris 2011 by Martin Berry

PBP 2011: Four Journeys - #4 - Anton Blackie | Time: 70hrs 41mins by Anton Blackie

Le Paris Brest Paris 2011 by Christian Chauvire & Henri Coursin

PBP 2011: Four Journeys - #1 - Ultan Coyle | Time: 54hrs 05mins by Ultan Coyle

PBP 2011 par Catherine Cremers

(Untitled) par Véronique Crémers

PBP 2011: Four Journeys - #3 - Phil Deeker | Time: 61hrs 48mins by Phil Deeker

PBP 2011: Four Journeys - #2 - James Fairbank | Time: 61hrs 48mins by James Fairbank

PBP 2011 by Ryan Golbeck (on Flickr photos, but the captions are extencive and tell a story)

Paris-Brest-Paris 2011 by Marie-Thérèse Guessant

17th Paris Brest Paris Randonneur August 2011 by Nigel Hood

Mon PBP 2011 (un échec pas si cuisant) by Stéphane Mevel

Paris Brest Paris (1200 k) Part 1 - Part 2 (2011) by Lee Million

Paris Brest Paris (2011) by Keith Nichol

Paris - Brest Paris 2011 by Howell Schroeder