PBP Main Page

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

PBP Stories

Before 1975    1975    1979    1983    1987    1991    1995    1999    2003    2007    2011    2015    2019    2023    Misc.

First-person accounts by PBP participants

Not Year (Event) Specific:

Never Throw in the Towel (posted August 2003) by Bob Breedlove (English)
PBP Memories (posted August 2003) by Scott Dickson (English)


Story Hubs:

Arrivee Stories
Audax Randonneurs Allemagne - PBP 2003 Stories List (German)
Audax Randonneure Deutschland Erlebnisberichte (some PBP stories)
Gerry Pareja's PBP 1999 Stories Archive -
Into Page or Source
SIR Randonneur Stories page


PBP Audax:

Mon premier Paris-Brest-Paris by Marcel ANGOT, from the September 1981 issue of le CYCLE, No. 71, pages 60-61 (French)







































