Newsletter - 2017 Archive
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PBP 2015 - A Few Links
by Eric Fergusson

I've had a chance to update the PBP pages that live on our web site, with material and information from 2015. May I offer a few suggestions?:

The 2015 Canadian's Finishers/Participants list. 98 Canadian participants - 83 Canadian finishers. BC Randonneurs had 34 of 36 riders finish (94% !) including the fastest man, the fastest tandem (only Canadian tandem actually, but they were third fastest overall [link]) and fastest women (yes, it was Malou on that fast tandem).

Many of you will already have seen the BC Randonneurs 2015 Stories and BC Randonneurs 2015 Photos pages. Also, here is a link to the corrected BC Riders Results.

As usual I've been searching more broadly for PBP articles, stories, photos and videos. The 2015 Articles are, as always, of variable quality. However, there is lots of good reading linked to from the 2015 Stories page. A big change this time around was the quantity level shift between the 2015 Photo Galleries and the 2015 Moving Pictures (videos) - the number of photo gallerys was way down from earlier years, while the quanity of videos has exploded.

The 2015 Plaquette (results booklet) is there too. Lots of nice pictures in this edition. A little short on Canadian content, but there is a contribution from Sam Ehlers from Manitoba, Canada's ACP Representative.

One final more general section that I always like looking at, is the Finishers Medals Archive. I like clicking through the years. It doesn't change much but now includes the 2015 medal. We're still looking for that elusive 1931 finishers medal and better copy from 1956.

One frustration for me is that I was unable to update the Récidivists (multiple PBP finishers) list. The data are available but I don't have the spread sheet skills to updated the file. In the past ACP's result guru Alain Collongues has provided the file, but he has now retired from active results duty. It's a real shame that we don't have this file because our very own Deirdre Arscott is now one of only two women at the top of the woman's recidivists list with 8 finishes each. Brava Deirdre! You can, however, see how she stacks up in closer to home at the top of the BC Randonneurs time results archive page and at the bottom of the Canadians results archive page.


Go to: The PBP Hub


January 25, 2017