History - Main |
Numbers in blue are the number of brevets totals. Number in red are distance totals (km). 200 300 400 600 1000 1200* Brevets Km France 6923
4180 2924 2226
464 1469 18,186 7,370,600 93.6% #of Brevets: 7473 4408
3115 2426 471
1568 = 19,461 Brevets *1200s are all PBP World-wide number
of brevets: 19,461 Brevets |
PBP finishers info. from 1979 PBP booklet - time results list pages 39-45 Notice that this 1979 information comes from the 1983 booklet - it's from a section comparing data from 1979 and 1983. There is a limited amount of information of this nature in the 1979 booklet on page 49, but 1979 booklet information is incomplete, less clearly presented, and more difficult to interpret and use. Also, in the 1983 booklet, in the brevet
history list on page 37 here,
there is an alternate set of total brevet figures: |