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BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


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1995 International Brevet Summary

"Classement International Des Pays Randonneurs Mondiaux"

Numbers in black denote the number of brevets completed at each distance in each country.
Numbers in
blue are the number of brevets totals.
Number in
red are distance totals (km).

              200      300      400      600     1000     1200*   Brevets     Km

France       6779     3435     2593     2196      133     1436    16,572   6,597,300  59.0%
Angleterre   1529      700      567      404       39      181    
 3,420   1,241,200  11.1%
États-Unis    787      540      446      396       16      240     
2,425   1,039,400   9.3%
Danemark      215      187      154      139       33      113       
841     412,700   3.7%
Australie     607      173      122       82        5       44      
1033     329,100   2.9%
Canada        217      178      112      101       10       51       
669     273,400   2.4%
Espagne Cat.  317      142      108      100                53       
720     272,800   2.4%
Belgique      234      126       91       96                57       
604     247,000   2.2%
Norvège       140      115       88       75                52       
470     205,100   1.8%
Suède         137       72       58       49       23       31       
370     161,800   1.4%
Allemagne      54       52       42       30       18       26       
222     110,400   1.0%
Hollande   [non PBP brevet distance 27,700 km, or more]     57        57+     96,100    .9%
Espagne Vas.   52       42       31       29        5       17       
176      78,200    .7%
Russie         39       29       12       12                 5        
97      34,500    .3%
Autriche       16       18       16       14                 5        
69      29,400    .3%
Irlande        12        9        8        5                 5       
 39      17,300    .2%
Finlande        5        5        5        5                 3       
 23      11,100    .1%
Italie     [non PBP brevet distance  5,200 km, or more]      3         3+      8,800    .1%
Suisse          2        2        2        2                 2        10       5,400    .-%
Luxembourg      1        1        1        1                 1       
  5       2,700    .-%
New Zealand     1        1        1        1                 1?      
  5       2,700    .-%
32,900 km)        (7 PBPs too many ??)

#of Brevets:11144     5827     4457     3737      282     2383  = 27,830 Brevets
Km:       2228800  1748100  1782800  2242200   282000  2859600          = 11,176,400 Km

*1200s are all PBP

World-wide number of brevets:         27,830 Brevets
World-wide total brevet distance:
11,176,400 Km
Average brevet distance:                
401 Km (11,143,500 ÷ 27,770)
Percentage distance by French riders:     59% (41% etrangers)


Information Source: 1995 PBP booklet:

Page 35 - Classement International des Pays Randonneur Mondiaux
Page 34 - Classement International Par Pays
PBP finishers info. - time results list pages 27-33, 38-43

Distance information from Holland, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and New Zealand was not included on the chart on 35, though some distance is recorded on the club listings on page 34. I have inferred the brevet distributions for Switzerland, Luxembourg, and New Zealand because non PBP distances were in units of 1500, the super rando series distance.

There is a discrepancy about the number of finishers (homologues) in 1995. The number of finishers listed on pages 27-33, 38-43 is 2376. However, when we add the 2319 PBP finishers in the table at the bottom of page 35, to the 64 PBPs from the five countries not in the table we get the 2383 PBP finishers - 7 finishers too many.
