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2012 Pacific Populaire
Organizing Committee


Ride Organizer - Danelle Laidlaw
Permits - Manfred Kuchenmuller & Danelle Laidlaw
Food - Sharon Street & Danelle Laidlaw
Pre-registration/Results - Danelle Laidlaw
Pre-registration Table - Roger Holt, Sharon Street, Shirley Wilson & Paul Whaley
Registration Table - Susan Allen, Keith Nichol, Val White & Anja Wilke
Credit Cards, Clothing, Memberships - Ali Holt
Registration Lines Management - Sarah Gallazin & John Little
Traffic control
(King Edwards & Ontario) - Sarah Gallazin & John Little
Traffic control
(Ontario & 33rd) - Jacques Bilinski & Jeff Oh
Parking Control - Gary Baker, Ross Nichol, Alex Whitfield & Ken Wright
Start Line -
Danelle Laidlaw
Spanish Banks Control -
Paul Whaley & Shirley Wilson
Woodward's Landing Control - John Bates, Manfred Kuchenmuller, Alard Malek & Margaret Moreau
Finish Control
(Riley Park) - Ali Holt, Danelle Laidlaw, Sharon Street & Anja Wilke
25 km Route Sweep - Ali Holt & Anja Wilke
50 km Route Sweep - Gary Baker & Ken Wright
100 km Route Sweep -
Jeff Oh (1st half) & Jacques Bilinski (2nd half)
Web site - Eric Fergusson
Pins - Karen Smith

Margaret and Alard stamping card for years at the Woodward's Landing Control.
Photo: Manfred Kuchenmuller

(Top photo: Philip Neuwirth, April 1, 2012)