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BC Randonneurs Cycling Club
British Columbia, Canada




Social Media


Featured Rides:

More Featured Rides: Pacific Populaire - Rocky Mt 1200 - Vancouver Island Super Randonneur Week
- Other Featured Rides -

Paris Brest Paris
(History, etc.)

In the Newsletter:

Croy Questionaire:
Graham Fishlock

The Notice Board:

Next Up:
Island: Parks & Rivers 300 --> Details
July 27

On Going:
Lower Mainland July Challenge:
On The Border 200 (July 6) --> Results
Kulshan 300 (July 13) --> Results - Report -->
The Sasquatch Went To Yale 400 (July 20) --> Results
Logistically Challenged 600 (July 27) --> Details
Series Results --> GO

Canada Day 157 Populaire:
CanPop Home --> Go
Monday, July 1
Results - Photos & Videos

Recent Randonneur Committee Meeting Minutes
Including June 6 --> Go

Permanents Are Happening--> Go
(Recent results & new permanent routes)

In the Newsletter:

Dan's Kulshan 300

In the Newsletter:

Tinto's 600:
a Blast then a bust!!!!
Gary Baker


Stats Summary Hub
Club History at a Glance
Introduction to Randonneur Cycling

The Record Book
(Distance Achievement Archive)

Membership, Registration & Waivers


Recommendations for New Riders

Pin & Medals


Randonneur History

Ride Organization Resources
Archive Hub
Early Routes, BC 1000s, "Randonneur Toolbox", etc.

About BC Randonneurs [official]


web site: Eric Fergusson

Marathon Cycling in British Columbia
Ultra Cycling
Ultra Distance Cycling
Randonneur Cycling
Fast Long Distance Cycling