BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


Official Page

What is the BC Randonneurs Cycling Club?


The mandate of BC Randonneurs is to organize rides in accordance to the rules of randonneur cycling as practiced by Audax Club Parisien in France. BC Randonneurs was a founding member in 1983, of Randonneur Mondiaux which organizes brevets 1200 km or longer worldwide. Randonneur Cycling is sometimes referred to as marathon cycling and can be described as fast long-distance cycling. The activities of the club and the general information about the sport is discussed more fully elsewhere on this site on this page: An Introduction to Randonneur Cycling.

Randonneur Cycling in British Columbia began in 1979 and for many years operated as a sector of the Bicycle Association of British Columbia (now called Cycling BC). In March 1996 BC Randonneurs became an autonomous entity, and is now defined as a 'society' under the Societys Act of British Columbia (Incorporation number: S-35024). Additional historical info HERE.

The club presidency changes yearly. Traditionally the president has been succeeded by the Vice President. All other positions on the Randonneur Committee are reconsidered yearly, though the same person may hold a post for multiple years.


Much of content on this web site can be described as general information and commentary. The information linked from this page is the club's official governance content. When a page's content is offical club policy you'll see the green bar and the words "official page", as seen above. The three PDF files below do not have the green bar marker, but are official pages, and so is the current members list. Here's a list of the offical pages:

Club Constitution & Bylaws last updated and approved at the club AGM on 3 October 2021, registered 13 October 2021 [PDF]
Partnership Agreement with Audax Club Parisien, Oct 2005 [PDF] HERE.
Randonneur Rules HERE.
Policy statement defining a BC randonneur brevet or flèche HERE.
Process for introducing a club award HERE.
Current membership list HERE.
Current agenda (for next directors meeting or the immediately past meeting) HERE. (currently dormant)
Directors committee minutes HERE.


Randonneur Committee Archive
& Past Presidents List
(1979 - present)


2025 BC Randonneur Committee
(See Brief bios of club executive members - archived)

Elected Board of Directors:

President: Mike Hagen--->
Vice President: Murray Tough
Treasurer: Colin Fingler
Secretary: Anna Bonga
Member at large: Dug Andrusiek
Member at large: Deirdre Arscott
Member at large: Gary Baker
Member at large: Jean-Marc Boudreau
Member at large: Peter Stary

Non Elected:

ACP Corespondant: Étienne Hossack
Clothing: Chris Cullum & John Oswald
Database: Étienne Hossack
Peace Region Brevet Coordinator: Wim Kok
Permanents: Eric Fergusson
Pins & Medals: Karen Smith
Southern Interior Br. Coordinator: Bob Goodison
Vancouver Island Br. Coordinator: Mark Payten
Web Site: Eric Fergusson
Web Site & Database Dev: Étienne Hossack

For a fuller list of the volunteers and ride organizers for any year go to the randonneur committee archive page.

Brief descriptions of the roles/tasks [PDF] associated with various positions.

& Lower Mainland Br. Coordinator & Equipment


Directors meetings are held about ten times a year, The Annual General Meeting (+ ride and brunch) is held in early October. The minutes from the meetings are posted HERE.

Club members are also welcome to attend directors meetings with prior notice to the president or secretary. Contact Dug Andrusiek or Anna Bonga for meeting details. Alternatively you may ask any current director to bring forward an issue on your behalf.

Meetings are generally the first Thursday of the month.


BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

e mail:
e mail, web site: Eric Fergusson

BC Randonneurs official administrative mailing address:
BC Randonneurs
PO Box 3014 Cultus Lake Stn Main
Cultus Lake, BC V2R 5H6