Newsletter - 2018 Archive

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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Harold Bridge Bursary
Submitted by Étienne Hossack on behalf of the BC Randonneur executive committee.

Part of Harold Bridge's legacy to the club was a donation to help new riders get to Paris Brest Paris. Here are the particulars of the Harold Bridge Bursary. Harold was one of the earliest BC Randonneurs (he was member #9) and one of our most devoted volunteers. He died in April 2015. [EF]

If you're a first-time PBP-er, wanting to go to France next year, you may be eligible for a bursary, given in memoriam of one of our longstanding club members, Harold Bridge.

Amount Awarded on PBP Years: $1000


· Any member going to PBP for their first time

· Have completed a Super Randonneur series In the year preceding PBP

· Volunteered in some capacity in the year preceding PBP

The BC Randonneurs offer this fund as a means to lower the barrier for anyone going the first time.
We would like to encourage younger riders, who are not as financially equipped as some of the older club members, to consider riding PBP.
By completing a series in the year prior and showing a willingness to volunteer, you are honoring the spirit of Harold.

Application Deadline/How to Apply:

In the year prior to PBP, (in this case, 2018!) interested applicants must put their name forward one week prior to the AGM.
At that time we will activate the email for potential recipients to submit their name.


At the AGM in the year preceding PBP, an applicant's name will be drawn at random and announced.
All applicant names will be drawn and the order noted.
Should the recipient decide that the award is not needed, or for some reason cannot attend PBP the following year, the award will be passed on to the next name drawn.
To claim the award the recipient must provide PBP related receipts and the club treasurer will reimburse up to the award amount.

As a draw we eliminate the need for subjective criteria, open the award to as many people as we can, and provide a chance for all to honor the memory of Harold.
By having the recipient provide receipts we ensure that the money is used as it was intended.

Additional: A PBP 2019 Recipient has been selected:

At the 2018 annual general meeting (& social ride & banquet) the 2019 recipient of the Harold Bridge Bursary was selected using a draw between three applicants. The winner was Jacquetta Benard from Kelowna, who will receive $1000 to help defray the cost of participating in Paris Brest Paris 2019. The other hopefuls were Étienne Hossack and Kyle Oxborough.


Go to: Harold Bridge's Ride & Volunteer History (database)
Go to: Harold Bridge Memorial (newsletter)
Go to: Another newsletter page Here with a few photos of Harold (newsletter)


July 17, 2018