Newsletter - 2017 Archive
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(Misadventure on the) Peace Summer 200
Ride Date: July 8, 2017
by E.W.(Wim) Kok

Wim sent this message following the Peace Region Summer 200. I asked him if it was ok to put it in the newsletter. He agreed. [EF]


Here are the results from the Peace 200 on July 8, 2017 (sort of)
It did not go quite as planned, as I had a crash (DF - did fall) which ended up in a DNF for me and Erik Snucins, who assisted in the after care. Yours truly needed an ambulance back to FSJ just to make sure that there were no hidden injuries. While crossing a wooden bridge deck - always cross it diagonally to avoid the longitudinal spaces between the planks. This time the same approach, but the front wheel got caught between the planks.Vividly remember making a split second correction. Next memory was laying on the bridge deck under a blanket with first aid present. Erik did a marvelous job of alerting first aid and managing traffic

Damage minimal: face - one eyed raccoon, sore shoulder and neck, sprained thumb.
No concussion, no headache or anything.
Wheel: rim probable beyond repair.

I will mail the papers, $ 30.00 cheque for the fees, etc,

Take care.



E.W.(Wim ) Kok DF- DNF @ km 62
Erik Snucins DNF @ km 62


Go to: Peace Region Results


July 11, 2017