Newsletter - 2017 Archive
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Desperado 200
Lower Mainland Summer 200 Organizer's Report
Ride Date: July 15, 2017
by Mike Hagen

Mike reported in following the event. I asked if I could put it in the newsletter. He agreed. [EF]

Hi, Guys:

Hope everyone enjoyed the brevet yesterday. I've gotten some emails and comments from people saying they really liked it. Anna and I had a good time organizing. I goofed with copying the control cards at Staples and got twice as many as I intended, so there are 32 blank cards. I guess we will have to do it again next year!

Preliminary, unverified results are attached. Cheryl: I will run the control cards and other paperwork out to you tomorrow.

Eric: I only took two pictures; they are attached. They are of riders crossing the bridge above the bonus control.

Two DNFs: Sigi Palme withdrew at Control 2 (km 54) after mechanical issues put him against the time limit. Russel Ogden crashed at km 115 (Nigel: incident report in package to Cheryl). Kudos to Dierdre, Peter, Paul, Dan, and Jeff, all of whom lost time ensuring Russel and his bike were properly taken care of. Russel came to the finish control afterwards and indicated he was going to be okay. Nothing broken, just torn muscles and bruises.


Photos: Mike Hagen


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July 17, 2017