Newsletter - 2017 Archive
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BC Riders at London Edinburgh London
LEL 1400 km, Ride Dates: July 30-August 4, 2017
by Editor [EF]

Seven BC riders are participating in London Edinburgh London this time around. The ride is held every four year. The rider limit was 1500 rides this time, and it appears to be sold out. The list below has the riders' idenification numbers. Here is the link to the LEL rider tracking.

        Luis Bernhardt     DD35  Finished
        Ken Bonner          A45
        Mark Ford           Q51     
        Bob Goodison        P34  Finished
        Étienne Hossack     F19  Finished
        Meyrick Jones      HH12
        Michael Tilitzky    P30

(Note: Following the ride I added the "Finished" to the three BC finishers. Go to the 2017 LEL Finishers List.)


Go to: Bob Goodison's LEL Story
Go to: Bob's LEL Photos (92 Images - Flickr)
Go to: London Edinburgh London home


June 29, 2017