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2002 John Hathaway Trophy
- a.k.a. Iron Butt Award -

Ken Bonner climbs Woodside on the LM spring 300
Photo: Michel Richard

 TOTAL  NAME                  BCkm ELSEWHERE

12,594  Ken Bonner            8294 + 4300 
  8265  Michel Richard        8265
  7300  Henry Berkenbos       7300 
  5908  Ken Carter            3700 + 2208 
  5875  Eric Fergusson        5875 
  5783  John Bates            4383 + 1400 
  5783  Danelle Laidlaw       4383 + 1400 
  4879  Wayne Harrington      3279 + 1600
  4279  Larry Voth            3279 + 1000 
  3800  Keith Nichol          3800
  3665  Karen Smith           3665 
  3524  Ron Himschoot         2924 +  600 
  3100  Ali Holt              3100 
  3100  Roger Holt            3100 
  3083  Deirdre Arscott       3083 
  3000  Stephen Hinde         3000 
  2900  Susan Allen           2900 
  2894  Keith Fraser          2894 
  2800  Cheryl Lynch          2800 
  2700  Mike Poplawski        2700
  2600  Don Munro             2600 
  2400  Jim Giles             1500 +  900 
  2300  Harold Bridge         2300 
  2300  Barb Henniger         2300 
  2300  Wim Kok               2300 
  2265  Phil Jones            2065 +  200 
  2265  Gord Cook             2265 
  2100  Manfred Kuchenmulleur 2100
  2100  Ken Wright            2100 
  1975  Barry Chase           1575 +  400 
  1975  Peter Stary           1975 
  1883  Bob LePage            1883 
  1880  Bob Bailey            1800 
  1880  Keith Fletcher        1800 
  1880  Benjamin Lewis        1800
  1700  Richard Blaire        1700 
  1700  Carol Hinde           1700 
  1500  Mike Eder             1500 
  1500  Darreb Inouye         1500 
  1500  Jim Kirby             1500 
  1500  Doug Latornell        1500 
  1500  Ross Nichol           1500 
  1500  Roger Street          1300  +  200
  1500  Sean Williams         1500


Honourable Mentions* 7100 Mark Thomas 2200 + 4900 2763 Duane Wright 1963 + 800

List above includes all riders 1500 km or more.

John Hathaway Trophy Competition Explained

* Note about the Honourable Mentions.

Neither of these Washington State (SIR) riders rode the requisite 4 brevets in BC (a 200-600 series) to qualify as bone fide BC Randonneurs, and therefore were not eligible to be on the Hathaway list . However, each rider rode two big brevets up here this season, which pushed them both over the 1500 km mark. (Duane also tallied a 363 km Flèche Pacifique.) We would be remiss not to acknowledge their impressive seasons within BC and elsewhere in some way - so this is it. Mark in particular with his 7100 km would have been forth on this list, and if it was any other year...