BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

John Hathaway Memorial Trophy

More commonly referred to as the Iron Butt Award, this trophy is given to the BC resident who covers the most distance in successfully completed official distance (over 200 kms) brevets and flèches ridden anywhere in the world in a particular calendar year. (The award is open to non-residents who finish a Super Randonneur series, or four brevets of equal or greater distance within BC - example: 200, 400, 400, 1000.) To count in a rider's Hathaway total, a brevet or flèche must not begin before midnight December 31 (of the previous year) and must not end after midnight December 31 of the year in question in the local time zones where you are riding. All rides must be recognized by ACP or Randonneur Mondiaux.

Link to: Hathaway Award Archive
- Iron Butt ! -

John Hathaway died June 6,1997 at the age of 72 after a life of impressive cycling accomplishments. A time trialist from England, John immigrated to Canada in 1952. In 1957 he set the cross-Canada record of 24 days 13 hours, a record which stood for 20 years. John is perhaps best known for his many long distance rides including his around the world tour in 1974-76 (50,000 miles in 100 weeks) which earned him a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records, and his 48 state tour in 1992-93. John was also one of the four original BC Randonneurs at PBP in 1979, and was a fixture at BC Randonneur events in the years to follow.

The award was introduced by Harold Bridge in 1997. The annual contender's lists include all bona fide club members whose event distance was 1500 km or more.

Above photo is John Hathaway during his Calgary Vancouver record-setting ride in August 1972:
(51 hours 6 minutes).

Photo by Brian Newman
(Provided by Harold Bridge)

Photo of Trophy by Eric Fergusson