2013 Season
2013 is the gap year for big events in BC in our 4 year cycle - no Rocky Mt 1200, no Van Isle 1200, and also no PBP. So a perfect year to bring back Island Hell Week and maybe to try something new... Kamloops 6 Pack. But let's begin with an exceptional individual story.
Eric !
Victoria rider Eric Guillemot rode his first 200s in late 2012. He surprised us all by completing a virtual Super Randonneurs series (200, 300, 400 & 600 km) using permanents in the cold early months of 2013. There's no ACP distance points for permanents of course, but that tap too would soon open for Eric. (ACP is Audax Club Parisien, the organization that sanctions randonneur events world wide.) He rode his first ACP recognized SR series at Eau de Hell Week in May. By the end of 2013 Eric had accumulated an ACP brevet total of 7500 km, good enough for third on the Iron Butt list, just 100 km behind veteran Henk Bouhuyzen. Not only does Eric win the Rookie of the year award (just a distinction - no trophy), but his total is also a record for first-time Super Randonneurs bettering Gary Sparks 2010 total of 6363 km.
Super Randonneurs: In all there were 42 Super Randonneurs in BC in 2013, including seven first-timers. In addition to Eric Guillemot there was Dave Campbell, Malou Ignacio, David King, Patricia Plante, David Robertson and Michael Tilitzky. A lot of Davids. All three Davids (and Eric) went on to finish the Oregon Coast 1000 in June. Here are your 2013 SRs (Super Rookies):

Randonneur 40,000, Etc:
There were no new Randonneur 5000 recipients this year (there's one last qualifying year in 2014 for 2011 PBP finishers), but two riders earned their 40,000 medals. Cheryl Lynch and Ross Nichol both earned their 40,000 medals for reaching 40,000 life-time kilometres in ACP brevets. (It's 40,000 km because that is the circumference of the earth.) There were two other notable milestones this year. Eric Fergusson (me!) became the second BC rider to reach 100,000 km, and to put it all in perspective, Ken Bonner passed 200,000 km.
Additional: I've just learned that in 2013 Ron Himschoot became the first North American rider to earn the new ACP Randonneur 10,000 medal. I'm sure we'll learn more about this as soon.
Iron Butt:
For the 11th time Ken Bonner won the John Hathaway Memorial Trophy (aka Iron Butt Award) for the most distance by a BC Randonneur, with another impressive ACP event distance total of 13,100 km. Henk Bouhuyzen from Toronto was eligible for the Iron Butt Award this year, because he completed a BC SR series. Henk had to settle for the "All Butt" Award (formerly the "All But Ken" Award) with an event distance total of 7600 km.
Iron Buttress:
In addition to passing the 40,000 km mark, Cheryl Lynch is the 2013 Iron Buttress with an event distance total of 4700 km. It's Cheryl's fourth time as the top distance woman.
Eau de Hell Week:
After a one year hiatus Vancouver Island's Hell Week series (a 200, 300, 400, 600 km series in seven days) was back in 2013. This time the event was moved forward a little - early April shivers were replaced by the longer days and warmer temperatures of late May. There were a few showers, but all in all it was a little less hell-like. What was once thought impossible or at least ill-advised has become almost commonplace at EdH Week... Three of seven series finishers were first-time Super Randonneurs: David King, David Robertson and as mentioned above, Eric Guillemot. Our favourite international rider, Yutaka Moriwaki from Japan was there, as was Henk Bouhuyzen from Toronto who completed his fourth EdH. Eric F and Ken B were there also, and both have finished all six EdH week series going back to 2007. In the photo is the 600 km start group including the seven riders completed the entire series.
Kamloops 6-Pack:
Cheryl Lynch had a new idea for a concentrated ride series: 6 x 200 over six days. Bob Goodison came up with a half dozen routes that could be run out of Kamloops et voila, the Kamloops 6-Pack was born. Five riders finished all of the rides, and each earned, you guessed it, a 6-Pack.
Away Rides:
Here's the bullet point summary of the 1200 km+ rides ridden outside BC. Five riders finished London-Edinburgh-London, four finished Colorado Last Chance, three finished Granite Anvil in Ontario, Gary Sparks bucked his way through the Texas Rando Stampede, Ken Bonner rushed through the Gold Rush Randonnee for the fourth time, Theo Wyne finished the Super Brevet Scandinavia in Denmark (just after finishing LEL) and Ron Himschoot lived large at the Big Wild Ride in Alaska.
The Stats:
Our overall ACP club distance was down a little in 2013 but one stat jumps out. With the help of the Kamloops series there were more 200s than ever before - 361 compared with 332 in 2012. In general we are seeing an increased interest in 200s in recent years. The Kamloops 6-pack also opened the door for the a record number of individual 200s in one season. Cheryl Lynch led the way with 14 with Nigel Press close behind with 13.
12 riders earned their BC-12 pins in 2013 for completing a permanent or ACP brevet in 12 consecutive months. 38 participants combined to complete 198 permanents for total of 41,705 km in total permanent distance. This is a club record over the previously highest annual total in 2010 of 40,617 km. Ken Bonner once again led the way in 2013 with 7064 km. Ken has had the highest individual permanents distance total every year since the beginning of the permanents program in 2008.
Random Notables:
One of the original four Canadian (and BC) randonneurs from 1979, Dan McGuire, didn't let Parkinsons stop him from riding halfway across Canada - Alaska border to Portage la Prarie (4000 km). Gary Sparks was on the cover of American Randonneur. Best rando graphic: the retro rando poster. One to read: John Oswald's four-part account of the Oregon Coast 1000. One to watch: why not Étienne Hossack for his enthusiasm for permanents and his entertaining reports that chronicle them.
There were some significant passings in our sport this year. Long-time rider and 1993 club president Gord Cook died in November. British distance cycling legend Jack Eason died at 87. He rode the Rocky Mt 1200 in 2000. And finally Robert Lepertel died at 88. Lepertel is the architect of the modern PBP and driving force behind the foundation of the Randonneurs Mondiaux in 1983.
Roger Street Award:
Mike and Brynne Croy were the very deserving winners of the Roger Street Award for outstanding contribution to the club. They are the youngest ever winners, and the third couple team to receive the award. Mike is the Vancouver Island brevet coordinator.
Chapeau to the previous year's Roger Street Award winner Ryan Golbeck who guided the club through 2013 as president and continues to develop the club database. And finally, a special thanks to Ross Nichol who leaves the committee after 7 years of exceptional service - President in 2008 and club Treasurer for the succeeding 5 years.
Eric Fergusson
February 15, 2014

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