Stephen Hinde - Mike Hagen - Dave Macmurchie
Colin Fingler - Peter Stary - Mark Payten
Jeff Mudrakoff - Anna Bonga
January 7, 2021
2021 Randonneur Committee & Club Executive
by Eric Fergusson
The above screen capture, taken by Anna Bonga, is from the first meeting with the new BC Randonneurs board of directors, January 7. The election of the new executive took place at the AGM on December 14, 2020. The AGM was later than the usual mid October date, and was of course virtual because of Covid-19. Here is the full list of the new team, including the non-elected randonneur committee volunteers:
Elected Board of Directors:
President: Mike Hagen
Vice President: --
Treasurer: Colin Fingler
Secretary: Anna Bonga
Member at large: Dug Andrusiek
Member at large: Doug Bjorkman
Member at large: Stephen Hinde
Member at large: Dave Macmurchie
Member at large: Jeff Mudrakoff (+ Equipment)
Member at large: Mark Payten
Member at large: Peter Stary
Non Elected:
ACP Corespondant: Cheryl Lynch
Clothing: Chris Cullum
Database: Étienne Hossack
Lower Mainland Brevet Coordinator: Nigel Press
Peace Region Brevet Coordinator: Wim Kok
Permanents: Eric Fergusson
Pins & Medals: Karen Smith
Southern Interior Brevet Coordinator: Bob Goodison
Vancouver Island Brevet Coordinator: Mark Payten
Web Site: Eric Fergusson
Web Site & Database Dev: Étienne Hossack
January 24, 2021