This was not
a newsletter submission, it was an offering on the discussion
forum. There was a question about wheel sizes. Kevin's response
reproduced here because it contains vital information. Photo
from Buccaneer 200, April 17.

Looks like Kevin
chose the 700s for the brevet.
650 vs 700
by Kevin Bruce
I have both a 700 and a 650 bike. I do
not prefer one over the other and will not take sides in what
can become a passionate debate. That being said, here are my
thoughts on wheel size by way of direct comparisons:
Speed: 700
Comfort: 650
Agility: 700
Stability: 650
Climbing: 700
Descending: 650
Impressing girls: 700
Carrying the groceries: 650
That's all you really need to know in order
to make a decision on which wheel size to choose.
Plus an afterthought
from Chris Cullum:
At my house the best way to "impress
girls" is to be "carrying the groceries", so your
mileage may vary.
May 10, 2010 |