Vancouver - Baja...
a few photos:
from Duhane Lam
I met Duhane on my first 300km back in
1992. At the time I thought that riding a 400 or 600 was impossible.
"How do I train for something that big" I asked. "What
do you think we're doing now" he replied with a grin.
Duhane has the distinction of having ridden
every Pacific Populaire going back to when reliable records were
kept for that event in 1996. I notice also that he is on the
finishers list for 1989. (He must have been 8 at the time.)
Lately Duhane has looked beyond randonneuring
for his distance cycling challenges including a recent tour from
Vancouver to Cabo San Lucas at the tip of the Baja Peninsula
- almost 5000 km. He has graciously agreed to let me show a few
of his photos from this trip to bring some light into your dark
damp February. [Eric F]
to enlarge:

February 1, 2008 |