Harrison Ford's
'Hard' 200 km Brevet in the Interior
by E.W. (Wim) Kok
record shows 2005 as the 6th year running of this Interior 200
km Brevet. The route, originally designed, baptized and modified
by John Bates and Danelle Laidlaw started at 100 Mile House.
This was at one time a roadhouse or stopping place on the Old
Cariboo Wagon Trail, which ran from Yale to Barkerville during
the Cariboo Gold Rush. Always wondered how this Brevet got its
name. Danelle explained that 'Harrison Ford 200' originated from
a morning scene of loose horses in the parking lot at the start
of the brevet at Mile 108 many years ago. Later on that day they
encountered livestock on the road, which tested the bike handling
skills of the urban riders on the range. This prompted name.

Keith, Jack, Jeff, Wim, John
& Danelle
(Click to
riders (Danelle, John, Jack, Keith, Jeff and I) signed on at
the 7:00 am start for the 'hard' route. Since it had rained the
day before and the forecast called for 2- 4 mm of rain in the
morning, no-one signed up for the 'soft' route (the one with
40 km of gravel). With a bit of rain, then clearing and a 10
kph NorthWester for the afternoon, we cycled east to the Interlakes
site, Bridge Lake and Lac des Roches, our first control and also
turnaround. As the names of these places and others later on
suggest, this is lake country. The route would play more or less
peekaboo with the many lakes; then we saw them, then we didn't,
which not only creates the attraction, but also an element of
surprise on this ride. The pavement was good, the road gently
rolling and winding. Traffic was light and very few dogs were
out, but none of the chasing kind. The one with those tendencies
was 'thrown' a few conflicting messages - translation: I made
a lot of noise, while Keith or Jeff told the critter to get of
the couch. That confused and slowed him substantially.
we continued the clouds thickened and after Interlakes, they
wrung themselves out, which meant rain. Not too much, except
that it was the cold stuff. We were told that someone would be
around at Control #1: Lac des Roches (Km 60) to
sign our cards. Upon arrival however the site was deserted, however
a cleaning bucket near an open cabin door was enough evidence
to call inside for someone to sign. It then became clear that
this someone was a guest. Ah well. The next leg went from Lac
des Roches along Highway 24 to Control # 2: Lone Butte
(Km 104). Saw a neat geological formation, evidence of
the time that BC gained a few chunks of crustal material. On
that stretch we also met quite a few cyclists (many on recumbents)
going east to Little Fort on what looked like a supported bike
tour. Looking west the skies kept teasing us with a bit of blue
in the distance, but that's all they did: tease us.
stopped briefly at the General Store in Lone Butte (half way
mark), got our cards signed and supplies restocked. While the
rain had tapered off, Lone Butte became a memorable landmark
for two of us, for it was here that 'Julie saved Keith', potentially
the location and title for a Western movie yet to be scripted
and filmed. Nearly chilled to the bone, Keith got some dry, warm
clothing, and then happily continued. It actually gave him wings,
because he arrived well ahead of us at Control # 3: Green
Lake (Km 147). If that stuff isn't material for a
blockbuster movie! Since the resort at Green Lake had already
removed its sign, we deemed a telephone booth along the road
the makeshift control. Julie kindly signed our cards. The route
from Lone Butte to Green Lake was very scenic, rolling and winding
with many a good view of the lake. The wind appeared to help
a bit. Livestock was grazing on the range; luckily, a huge but
docile bull in the berm showed no sign of wanting to chase us.
Good choice. We would have been too fast.
Green Lake its was a mere stone throw to 70 Mile House, except
that the NW winds were in our face. After the control 4: 70
Mile House General Store (Km 161) we had 42 km to
go North. The fun would start, because the forecast 10 kph NW
wind turned into a 26 kph one with gusts up to 39 kph. Talk about
blowing your forecast. Add the tough uphill to Begbie Summit
(1237 m), and you'll appreciate the challenge. To reduce the
wind resistance, Jeff, Keith and I rode single file. From the
summit onward the road leveled off, except for the last six km
to the finish. That downhill section provided for a space shuttle
descent into the finish at 100 Mile House (Km 202).
What a great way to end this brevet.
brevet is a really neat one at the end the season. The route
is easy in terms of riding and navigation. Mentally and physically
it can be divided in many small bites. The profile consists of
slightly rolling hills, none of which are very onerous, except
maybe Begbie Summit. At the end of the season we all should be
in good enough shape to make this one of the more leisurely brevets.
The scenery is rather appealing: forested areas, open spaces,
grass- and parklands, and above all lakes. The only thing missing,
I'd say were the vivid fall colours of the aspen. They were in
progress, but we were just a bit too early, I guess. One of the
fun challenges is cycling across the many cattle-guards after
Lone Butte. Jeff and I made a bit of game of it by trying to
ride on the narrow flat strips, thereby avoiding the washboard
effect. The batting average was not quite 1.00. Finally, my appreciation
to John and Danelle for designing and organizing this brevet.
Thanks to everyone for making this a memorable experience.
Ride Results
September 14, 2005 |