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There has been some compelling further research into Rando Pattern Baldness, a condition first brought to our attention in Tom Hocking's article: R.P.B.--A New Cycling Health Hazard? Further Study into RPB
(Rando Pattern Baldness) The Hocking study implies hair remains THICKER under a bicycling helmet's air vents. Examining this (as a non-control study), could it be that enhanced oxygenation has invigorated the dermis and hair follicles in the "test" area? My own experiments support Dr. Hocking's theories; for I have conducted a lifelong study: The Hyperbaric Blocking Effect of Campagnolo Cycling Caps. The first thirty years were conducted using a simple cotton cap of various - though similar - design (ie. Cinelli and assorted logo-emblazoned caps were used where Campag were unavailable), followed by a ten-year period with the addition of the (Hocking, 2003) vented styrofoam shell helmet. At no time did I wear a helmet sans cap. The results are convincing: Obviously, there remains a universe of
research to be undertaken in the area of RPB. These fascinating
studies though, deserve peer review and should initiate further
funding for wider field trials and laboratory experimentation.
Think of a helmet designed to halt, or even reverse male pattern
baldness! (A prototype could be built using a "scoop"
type manifold intake, commonly found in the garages of Nanaimo's
muscle car enthusiasts, duct-taped to a modified helmet). September 13, 2004 _ |