Barry Bogart
has been generating elevation profiles. He isolated the Woodside
hill near Agassiz from his LM spring 200 km route, and this was
posted on the web site a couple of weeks ago. This profile is
what Wim is referring to. Here is the image in question - click
to enlarge:
Making a Mountain out of a Molehill?
[aka: we'd better be scared stiff!!]
by E.W. (Wim) Kok, Brevet Organizer, Peace
When the profile of the Woodside road first
appeared on my computer screen, I held on to my chair, cold sweat
broke out, and I froze. Flashbacks from Mount Trevezel! What
a mountain to climb. Who was so cruel as to place this monstrous
challenge in a randonneur's quest to finish? Imagine arriving
at Km 0 of this Woodside road section, the BLACK mountain looms.
(Cruelty seems to know no bounds if one had to start on the other
side at Km 7). So imagine approaching this mountain: the pace
slows, the crawl begins, gears shifting down, resolve shifts
up and into overdrive. Arrgh, one revolution; arrgh, another
revolution, and so it continues, pushing forward, inching upward.
Panting near exhaustion, profusely sweating, muscles cramping.
The rando's tongue hangs over the handlebars, dragging over the
front tire. No mercy. Vivid images of mountain scenes in "Triplettes
de Belleville." So steep! Would the cyclist fall over backward
during the ascent? Would this Woodside hill become a nemesis?
Finally, the first summit, then a small cleavage in the profile,
followed by a small lump at Km 5.2. What are we looking at then?
The abyss, a descent into a gaping hole. Wondering "should
the bike have been equipped with an ejection seat?" Then
with a 1-2-3 "hat er sich nach Unten gestuerzt" (dropped
like a bomb) over a distance of less than a kilometer to coast
down a more reasonable grade in the final stretch. Victory. Ah,
the beauty and power of a profile. It can instill fear! It may
make even the mighty tremble (and humble). Then a sober second
look, the fine print. I relax. It is only a profile, which made
a mountain out of a molehill. So let's rent a few proverbial
picks, shovels and buckets and deconstruct the mountain, and
turn it back into what it really is: a molehill. Check the scale.
The vertical scale 1:900 (minus the change), the horizontal scale
1:107,142 (plus the change) for a vertical exaggeration of almost
119 X. Phew, no wonder! Further calculations show that one side
of Woodside has a 2 % grade; the abyss 7.5%. So relax, the ride
might be a picnic after all.
PS: Vertical exaggeration is a cartographic
tool used to accentuate the terrain lumps. With a 1:1 scale even
Mt Everest would disappear from a profile of the surface of the
earth, so we know the rationale. Also, colour - in this case
'black' - is used as a 'propaganda' tool in representation. As
long as we are aware of this, life on the bike will be a lot
easier (or not).
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