Ride Results
Routes Archive

2010 Vancouver Island Spring Brevets
Highway to Hell - 400
May 15, 3 a.m.

Ride Organizers:
Jim & Brenda Fidler

Start/Finish: Victoria: Tim Horton's, Saanich Plaza, 3501 Ravine Way@ Blanshard

This is last year's (2009) route. It is the same as this year's, but there is a slight difference in the distances.
The exact-distances route will be given to riders on ride day.




G0 kms

START - Victoria
Tim Horton's
3501 Ravine Way @ Blanchard
0.0 L RAVINE WAY 0.1
0.1 SO Cross Blanchard (@lights) 0.1
0.2 L CAREY 0.1
0.3 R HIGHWAY #1 (north) 3.8
4.1 R EXIT #8 (Helmcken) 0.5
4.6 SO Cross Helmcken onto on-ramp 0.3
4.9 SO HWY #1 Caution! Rumble strips! 0.5
5.4 R EXIT #10 (Colwood) 0.4
5.8 L HWY #14 (left lane to Colwood) 0.6
6.4 R BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 North 0.0
6.4 R BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 North 0.0
6.4 L BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 North 0.2
6.6 L BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 North 0.1
6.7 R HIGHWAY #1 (north) 3.9
10.6 R EXIT #14 (Millstream) 0.9
11.5 L OFF-RAMP to Langford 0.1
11.6 R BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 North 0.2
11.8 R HIGHWAY #1 (north) 46.0
57.8 SO North through Duncan 27.5
85.3 SO North through Ladysmith 17.0
102.3 SO HWY #1 (Hwy #19)(top of hill) 1.6
103.9 SO HWY #1(Hwy #19A) (into Nanaimo) 3.5
107.4 SO NICOL (Hwy #1)(entering Nanaimo) 1.6
109.0 SO TERMINAL (Hwy #1)(@Commercial) 1.0
110.0 SO TERMINAL (Hwy #19A)(@Stewart) 1.4
111.4 R

CONTROL #1 - Nanaimo
1213 Princess Royal Ave
(entrance off TERMINAL)
111.4 R N. ISLAND HWY (Hwy #19A) 10.5
121.8 SO HWY #19 (@ Mary Ellen) 17.9
139.7 R HWY #19A (old Is. Hwy. Exit 46) 5.5
145.2 SO North through Parksville 10.9
156.1 SO North through Qualicum Beach 46.4
202.5 L

CONTROL #2 - Union Bay
202.5 R HWY #19A (south to Nanaimo) 46.4
248.9 SO South through Qualicum Beach 10.9
259.8 SO South through Parksville 5.5
265.3 R HWY #19 (south to Nanaimo) 17.9
283.2 R HWY #19A (exit 29) 0.7
283.9 SO cross Hwy #19 (Nanaimo Pkwy) 10.5
294.4 SO TERMINAL(Hwy #19A)(@St. George) 0.8
295.2 R

CONTROL #3 - Nanaimo
Terminal @ Townsite
295.2 R TERMINAL (Hwy #19A south) 0.5
295.7 SO TERMINAL (Hwy #1)(@Stewart) 1.0
296.7 SO NICOL (Hwy #1)(@Commercial) 1.6
298.3 SO HWY #1 (Hwy #19A) 3.5
301.8 SO HWY #1 (Hwy #19) 1.6
303.4 SO HWY #1 (south towards Victoria) 17.0
320.4 SO South through Ladysmith 27.5
347.9 SO South through Duncan 11.1
359.0 R COBBLE HILL (Rest Area on left) 2.6
361.6 SO SHAWNIGAN LAKE (at Hutchinson) 4.5
366.1 L SHAWNIGAN LAKE (at lake) 2.7
368.8 R SHAWNIGAN LAKE (to Galley Café) 0.8
380.2 R HWY #1 Caution! Rumble strips! 15.1
395.3 SO Cross Spencer 1.2
396.5 R BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 South 0.1
396.6 SO Through underpass 0.0
396.6 L BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 South 0.1
396.7 SO HWY #1 (to Victoria) 3.0
399.7 R BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 South 0.2
399.9 L BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 South (stop sign) 0.1
400.0 L BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 South 0.1
400.1 R BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 South 0.0
400.1 SO Cross Hwy #14 (pedestrian light) 0.0
400.1 L BIKE ROUTE Hwy #1 South 0.2
400.3 SO HWY #1 (to Victoria) 0.9
401.2 R EXIT #8 (Helmcken) 0.5
401.7 SO Cross Helmcken onto on-ramp 0.4
402.1 SO HWY #1 (to Victoria) 3.8
405.9 L CAREY (@ G. Goose overpass) 0.1
406.0 R RAVINE WAY 0.2
406.2 R

Finish - Victoria
Tim Horton's
3501 Ravine Way @ Blanchard

Note: This is not the official route sheet. Ride organizers may make last minute changes because of road closures or other problems. The route sheet you receive at the start of the ride is the official one.
