Rocky Mtn 1200 Rider Stories
1996 - 2000 Stories:
Inaugural Rocky Mountain 1200 (1996) by John Wagner,
Seattle *(web.archive)
[external link]
Rocky Mountain 1200 (1997) by Ken Carter, Seattle [external link] *(web.archive)
Of Bears & Bikers (2000) by Hubertus Hohl
Kent's Diary Kent Peterson's memories of his 2000 and 2002 Rocky Mtn 1200 rides. [external link]
2002 Stories:
RM 1200 Charlene Burwood's account of her 2002 ride. *(web.archive)
[external link]
Gord's Rocky Gord Cook's story of his tandem ride with Manfred Kuchenmuller.
Veni, Vidi, Vici: My First RM 1200! Wim Kok's epic journey.
Michael's Story A narrative by Michael Koth from Germany.
"Rocky Mountains 1200 K" Ein etwas andere Art von Ultra Ein Bericht von Wolfgang Lenzen [external link]
Jon's 'Long Strange Trip' Jon Muellner from Port
Townsend tells his Rocky Mt.1200 story
[external link]
Phil's Rocky Mountain High Phil Piltch from Toronto tells his tale [external link] *(web.archive)
[Also… RM 12 In Short by Eric Fergusson - A brief gossipy synopsis of the 2002 event.]
2004 Stories:
A fabulous Ride through the Rockies by Bernie Barge (San Miguel, California)
Rocky Mountain 1200 km: A First-timer's Report by Susan Barr (Vancouver, BC)
2004 Rocky Mountain 1200K Ride Report by Jeff Bauer (Nashville, Tennessee)
My RM1200km Adventure critters included free!!!!!!! by Larry Brenize (Newburg, Pennsylvania)
Rocky 1200 According to Bob by Bob Goodison (Sorrento, BC)
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by Jim Joy (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Rocky Mountain 1200: Encore! by E. W. (Wim) Kok (Fort St. John , BC)
Rocky Mountain 1200 Odyssey by Trevor J. Stocki (Nepean, Ontario)
2008 Stories:
80 hours on the RM 1200 Route by Susan Allen (Vancouver, BC) [external link]
The Efficiency of "CYCLING" by Harold Bridge (good overview of event)
A Rocky Ride by Harold Bridge (Port Coquitlam, BC)
Through a Landscape of Beauty and Kindness by Graham Fishlock (Van. Island, BC) [pdf]
A Rocky Ride by Martin Haynes (Australia)
Survival of the Fattest by Robert "RandoBoy" Hendry (Tennessee) [external link]
To Jasper And Back In The Big Ring by Sam Huffman (Oregon) [external link]
Rocky Mountain 1200 km by Joseph Maurer (San Francisco, CA) [pdf]
Deux cousins au pays des grizzlys. (Rocky Mountain 1200, 2008) Récit de Gilles Marion (Club vélo randonneurs de Montréal) [external link]
RM1200 by Mike Warren (Alberta) [external link]
Rocky Mountain 1200km – Trip Report by Rob Welsh (Minnesota) [external link] or local
Josh's Photoblog (& mini story) by Josh Young (Vancouver, BC) [external link] *(web.archive)
Spirit au pays du Grizzly by Sophie Matter (France) [external link] *(web.archive)
2012 Stories:
Rocky Mountain 1200 Ride Report by David Baxter [off site - Google docs]
Pensez à ce qui est le plus beau, c'est encore plus beau! (Rocky Mountain 1200, 2012) Récit d'Alain Cuillerier [external link]
Rocky Mountain 1200 DNF by Rod Dalitz
Supporting Ken Bonner by Dewain Emrich
Une expérience de vie. (Rocky Mountain 1200, 2012) Récit de Michel Gervais [external link]
Four Articles from "Kamloops - The Daily News" by Mark Hunter
The 2012 Rocky Mountain 1200: Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3/4 by Ole Mikkelsen [external link]
Mon Rocky Mountain 1200 édition 2012 Récit de Frédéric Perman [external link]
2016 Stories:
Rocky Mountain 1200 Pre-ride by John Oswald
2016 Rocky Mountain 1200k July 24-29 2016 by Mark Beaver [external link]
Rocky Mountain 1200 by Emma Dixon [external link]
Rocky Mountain 1200 by Étienne Hossack [external link]
Rocky Mountain 1200 - Not a Ride Report by Bob Goodison
Submissions to: Eric_Fergusson
*(web.archive) = This story is off line at original location. It was retrieved using the wayback machine at web.archive.org.
Lost Stories:
Broken links that are not retrievable through web.achive.org
Rocky Mountain 1200 (2002) Finn Olesen is from Denmark. [external link]
Wilby's Rocky Mt. Randonnée (2002) Chris Wilby from England has created a fun interactive site to support his Rocky Mt 1200 story [external link]