Photos 2004

Rocky Mountain 1200


Notes on the 2004 RM 1200 Photo Gallery

This gallery was truly a collective effort. I received photo CDs, Inbox-bursting photo collections, and links to two independent event photo galleries. In all there were 15 contributors. The photos themselves were almost exclusively large high resolution images which made them very easy to size and edit.

Over a third of the photos are from Don Hollingshead's official photo CD (and I could have included many more). My presentation of Don's (and collaborator Karl Buchner's) images is a compromise. The big beautiful, clear, images on the photo disc have been reduced and cropped to make them fit standard browser windows, on common screen sizes with common display settings. (The real McCoy is still available and is highly recommended - Don's contact info HERE.)

Apologies to viewers using small screens and/or 600 x 800 screen resolution settings - these images were not sized for you. Most images were sized for a standard ~560 pixels tall browser window, while narrower, vertically oriented photos are sized at ~800 pixels tall - the new standard for larger monitors.

I've arranged the images into a geographically, and roughly chronologically, ordered slide show - click the image to move to the next picture in the sequence.

Many thanks to all our photographers. It made it possible to offer a portrait of the event that no one photographer could have achieved.

Eric Fergusson
April 2005