2005 Results

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

2005 Peace Region Populaires

Ride Organizer for all events:
E.W. (Wim) Kok
Fort St. John

25 & 50 km
April 3

50 & 100 km
April 9

100 & 150 km
April 17

75 & 150 km
Quiche Series rides
September 4
Sunny, Temp: 7 C, Wind: ESE 18-28 kph
Sunny, Temp: 2-9 C, Wind: WSW 19 kph
Chilly: -2C to +8C ; winds northerly to 18 kph
Sunny; temperatures 8 - 18 C. Wind: 8 -18 kph.
50 Km:
Bob Andrews      1:35
Wim Kok          1:35

25 Km:
Wim Kok          1:11
100 Km:
Bob Andrews  (A) 4:05
Wim Kok      (A) 4:05

50 Km:
Wim Kok          1:11
150 Km:
Wim Kok      (A) 6:08

100 Km:
150 Km:

75 Km:
Gordon Harris     4:22

(Note: 6 other riders cycled
along for the 75 km event,
but were not registered.)

Times measured in hours and minutes - hh:mm
(A) = Ridden on alternate day from schedule
