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BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

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Paris Brest Paris - Race Results 1951
[Notes to results section]

Race: 1891    1901    1911    1921    1931    1948    1951

Randonneur: 1931    1948    1951    1956    1961    1966    1971    1975    1979    1983    1987    1991    1995    1999    2003    2007    2011    2015    2019    2023   

  1   38:36:42    5  DIOT Maurice   Story  Image      FR     29      Mercier - Hutchinson
  2   38:36:42   12  MULLER Édouard        Image      FR     32      Gitane - Hutchinson
  3   38:46:40   41  HENDRICKX Marcel      Image      BE     26      Alcyon - Dunlop
  4   38:46:14   39  BRAMBILLA Pierre      Image      FR     32      Alcyon - Dunlop
  5   38:52:24   19  DEVREESE Alphonse                FR     29      Peugeot - Dunlop
  6   38:52:26   30  JOLY Charles          Image      FR     32      Dilecta - Wolber
  7   38:55:26   29  MORVAN Joseph                    FR     26      Dilecta - Wolber
  8   38:55:52   34  PIVIDORI Galliano                IT     37      Automoto - Dunlop
  9   38:39:52   14  TACCA Joseph          Image      FR     34      Gitane - Hutchinson
 10   39:34:47   27  WALSCHOT René                    BE     35      Dilecta - Wolber
 11   39:43:50   20  DORGEBRAY Robert                 FR     35      Peugeot - Dunlop
           AB     1  RIJCKAERT Marcel                 BE     27      Mercier - Hutchinson
           AB     2  MARCELAK César        Image      FR     38      Mercier - Hutchinson
           AB     3  TELOTTE Eugène                   FR     24      Mercier - Hutchinson
           AB     4  BERTRAND Maurice                 FR     23      Mercier - Hutchinson
           AB     6  LE FLOCH René                    FR     27      Mercier - Hutchinson
           AB     7  REMY Raoul                       FR     31      Helyett - Hutchinson
           AB     8  CHAPATTE Robert       Image      FR     28      Helyett - Hutchinson
           AB    10  GNAZZO Pascal                    FR     27      Helyett - Hutchinson
           AB    11  VIETTO René                      FR     37      Helyett - Hutchinson
           AB    17  VANDERSTOCKT Robert              BE     27      Peugeot - Dunlop
           AB    18  GIGUET Paul           Image      FR     36      Peugeot - Dunlop
           AB    21  FAURE Benoît          Image      FR     51      Benoit Faure
           AB    22  GEUS Jacques                     BE     31      Rocher - Dunlop
           AB    23  BEECKMAN Camille                 BE     41      Rocher - Dunlop
           AB    24  DUPONT Marcel                    BE     33      Rocher - Dunlop
           AB    26  PAWLISIAK Alex                   FR     38      Rocher - Dunlop
           AB    28  MARTINEAU Philippe               FR     32      Dilecta - Wolber
           AB    31  KEPES Étienne                    FR     26      Dilecta - Wolber
           AB    32  LEVEQUE Roger                    FR     30      Stella - Dunlop
           AB    33  BONNAVENTURE Robert   Image      FR     31      Automoto - Dunlop
           AB    35  BREUER Jean                      BE     31      Automoto - Dunlop
           AB    36  IMPANIS Raymond                  BE     25      Alcyon - Dunlop
           AB    40  KREHER Serge                     FR     30      Alcyon - Dunlop
           NP        COGAN Pierre                     FR     37
           NP        FAANHOF Henk                     NL     29
           NP        FAZIO Mario                      IT     32
           NP        LAUK Lucien                      FR     40
           NP        MARINELLI Jacques                FR     25
           NP        VALENTA Rudi                     AT     30
           NP        VITETTA Vincent                  FR     24

Disputé du 2 au 4 septembre 1951
1182 km
Partants: 34
Classés:  11

1951 General Note: As in 1931 and 1948, there were two PBPs in 1948 - the race PBP, and the randonneur PBP - going on in the same place, at more or less the same time, with two separate sets of results.


Here are the source locations at memoire-du-cyclisme.net that are now locked.
Paris-Brest-Paris: Histoire d'un course decennale, 1891-1951 par Michel Dargenton (home)
--> Palmarès Paris-Brest-Paris 1891-1951 - link to race results list hub elsewhere on Dargenton site
--> Direct link to 1951 results page in Dargenton.


Master File [Excel] for the race PBP 1891-1951 assembled by Alain Collongues, 2014.