Le Pavillon des Gatines: Our home-away-from-home since PBP '95.
I tracked my personal
expenses for PBP 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007. This might be helpful
in considering what your own expenses might be. All amounts are
in Canadian dollars. I mainly used my bike as my only transport
including to and from the airport. In general I spent money more
freely in 2003 and 2007. [Eric F - September 2007]
1995 Expenses (1 FF = ?)
1238.77 airfare
38.00 cancellation insurance
15.00 Vancouver airport improvement fee
222.00 PBP entry fee
32.20 train and taxi from airport
217.00 hotel
303.24 food
37.80 bike supplies
210.28 souvenirs (PBP video, jersey, t shirt,
21.56 misc. (Versailles, Eiffel
2335.85 Total
1999 PBP Expenses (1 FF = .2465494 $)
1073.00 airfare
15.00 Vancouver airport improvement fee
155.00 PBP entry fee
244.58 hotel (7 nights: 6 nights shared?)
183.89 food (& beer) (& wine) (&
all minor misc. expenses)
75.00 food + 2 sleeps during PBP
55.00 PBP jersey
12.33 PBP t shirt
64.78 PBP video (57.94 + 6.84 bank service
45.61 PBP photos (4)
18.49 train to Paris
3.67 Eiffel Tower
33.78 souvenirs (for S, P, and C)
35.00 share of van to airport
2015.13 Total
2003 PBP Expenses (1 Euro = 1.6 $)
1073.00 airfare
115.00 [caught in blackout - layover: Sault
Ste. Marie...]
10.00 Vancouver airport improvement fee
160.00 PBP entry fee
552.00 hotel (7 nights, single room)
235.00 food etc. (and all minor misc. expenses)
110.00 food during PBP
45.00 PBP jersey
25.00 2 PBP t shirts
80.00 PBP video
64.00 PBP photos (5)
44.00 phone calls home
2513.00 Total
2007 PBP Expenses (1 Euro = 1.44 Can$)
1552.00 airfare
50.00? bike fee - Vancouver
50.00 bike fee - Pari
1017.00 hotel (8 nights [+3 at half rate], single
200.00 food not during ride
140.00 food during PBP
148.00 PBP entry fee
43.00 PBP jersey
7.00 PBP t shirts
14.00 PBP DVD
56.00 PBP photos (5)
230.00 post PBP road trip to Saint Etienne etc.
65.00 books, souvenirs
135.00 taxi: hotel to Paris airport
27.00 taxi: Vancouver airport to home
73.00 phone calls home
3807.00 Total