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August Flood Route 200
Permanent Brevet #216
Ride Date: August 10, 2024
by Karen Smith

Permanent #216
Aug 10, 2024
200 Km
11 hrs 53 min

Ok, August is done. Again it wasn’t pretty.
I struggled in the wind...

Two interesting images stayed with me from my ride:
Shortly after 7 am, on Kitchen Rd, I saw a woman about my age, or older, riding a bike towards me. She was carrying a very long rake perpendicular to her bike. She grasped the rake with her hands as it lay across her handle bars. Oh, and she wore a bright red, full skirt which was billowing all around her.

Then on the Sumas Prairie, I saw a cute little farm vehicle that was gobbling up the freshly cut hay in the fields (Pac-man style). Then it spit out large round bales wrapped in white plastic (which to me always look like giant marshmallows in the fields).

It only reached 28 degrees, but felt so much hotter.

I had no flats or mechanicals.

My Garmin said I had 38% remaining potential. I don’t think so! I had nothing left...

: ) Karen



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August 12, 2024